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i'm only sleeping

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Posts posted by i'm only sleeping

  1. In the new web page, there seems to be no way that I can effectively request they play 'Far Far Away', or anything else, when they come Spain this autumn, the request keeps 'frozen' ad aeternum. Wilco webmaster, please fix that.

  2. Hmmm. That site says Scott was born on Jan. 10, 1939, not the year 1030. He was a remarkable guy, but not, uh....(doing the math)...932 years old! I'll correct the topic title for you, i'm only sleeping. :)


    Rest in peace, Scott. I'll always remember the summer of '67, when your song was all over the airwaves, and my family moved up to northern California. We stopped near the Golden Gate bridge as we traveled through San Francisco, and as we took in the view, my brother Steve tucked a flower into his hair, crooning "San Francisco". Good memories.

    Thank you for the correction, kidsmoke. Good memories, indeed.

  3. Yellow Submarine I can kinda see, as it's really a kids' song.


    But "Michelle"?!? For that bass solo, alone it is transcendent.

    And "Yesterday"?

    That must be a product of overexposure.


    Yeah, sure, hearing them since 48 years back, maybe sometime I enjoyed some of them, though I doubt it. And I would apply them the same adjectives used by lost highway for TLAWR (bear in mind i'm not a native English speaker not lyrics are/were so important for me in my teens)

  4. Thanks for all the info. Friday is my 50th birthday, and my wife and I will be at the show, but I know next to nothing about Rochester. This is helpful. We'll be there, and really looking forward to it.


    BTW, I am in the process of stuffing the request box with "When You Wake Up Feeling Old". Feel free to contribute... :)



    Congrats! Your prayers were answered (again)!

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