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i'm only sleeping

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Posts posted by i'm only sleeping

  1. Ahhh, you beat me to it!  :thumbup


    One of my first "favorite shows". Maybe still my favorite. I'm pulling it out for tonight when I get home.

    Not my favorite one, even if that day was my 20th birthday, go figure...Immensely digging now Chula Vista, CA, 1985 09 15 ('85 is a year I did not pay attention to back in the day, whatever the reason). I'm a sucker for any show with Alabama GA, Deal and Big River though  :thumbup

  2. Not a sideman in UT. He sang and wrote a good portion of the songs, just as Mick Jones was NOT a sideman in The Clash (who somebody mentioned earlier), but wrote and sang a good portion of their tunes.

    I respectully disagree, it may depend on what you consider a 'good portion'. Overall, I tend to skip Jay's songs and then, suddenly,...therecord ends...

  3. Steve Wynn on The Dream Syndicate reunion, upcoming tour — and new music





    WYNN:  I think more will happen down the line. We really wanted to do the Wilco festival because it’s a great festival. We wanted it, and they wanted to have the exclusive for the first show we were going to do (in the U.S.), and that was fine by me.


    WYNN: Yeah, we’re fans of the band, and Nels (Cline, Wilco’s guitarist) and I are old friends. Nels and I were actually working together at Rhino Records in L.A. when Days of Wine and Roses came out, so it’s a nice kind of full circle thing to be able to play a show with them. Once we get through this show, we’ll probably do more down the line.
  4. What do folks think of Vol.6 so far?

    not very psyched by it, frankly. But i'm more for Godcheaux's GD than Pig's so looking forward for the 77-5 box


    Only listened to the St. Louis show - think it's good, esp. Jerry's playing.

    I prefer the DS from the Fillmore SF

  5. Just arrived at home. What a bummer that spanish customs charged me  :headbonk with and additional $20!

    Not that anybody cares but just received this from dead.net



    Dear Valued Customer,

    We are aware of and apologize for excess charges such as Brokerage Fees and Presentation Charges that may have been applied to your international shipment. Our team is working through this issue country by country and will be issuing refunds for excess charges within the next 10 business days.


    As for disc 1, I'm diggin it but nothing really memorable till now at first listen, maybe some jammin in DS and GL...Let's hear now cd 2

  6. Rolling Stone has did a number of those sort of issues. There is also a Dylan issue out right now. What they do is take interviews, articles, reviews, and photos from past issues about a certain band/subject (guitar players) and stick them all together in one issue. I looked at the GD issue the other day. I suppose if it didn't cost so much I may have bought it. It didn't seem like something I really needed though.

    I received an e-mail saying this:



    Anyone else pick up the new Rolling Stone GD Collectors Edition Ultimate Guide? ?....

     Anyhow, it basically is a collection of old articles and interviews,  including several that I remember reading when they came out in the late

     '80s and '90s. ?I've only had a chance to read the Jerry interview from  '72, which focuses on the band's start in the '60s. ?There's also an article on the Fillmore and Family Dog poster art, and David Fricke reviews  20 "must-have" tapes. ?I disagree with many of his selections, as he spends a little too much time on '66-'67 and the '80s and '90s and not enough on  '72-'74 (or '77 for that matter).


     The sticker price is $11.99, but I'll get a few hours of enjoyment out of  it before putting it on the shelf next to the other GD literature.



    Could any deadhead here guide me to a really smoking version of 'Deal'? Thanks!

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