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Posts posted by opsopcopolis

  1. On 6/4/2024 at 6:37 PM, Brian F. said:

    I didn't know there was a thread here for the only band I've seen more than Wilco!


    Those are some intense stats, and I'm very jealous! Out of curiosity, do you have any standout favorite PJ shows you were in attendance for, as well as standouts from this May run? 


    I think after Vegas I'm at 22 shows (started seeing them in '06 at 14 years old). I've missed a lot of the uber classics from before that time, but seen some pretty incredible shows, Krakow '18 and Hartford '08 being the highlights off the top of my head

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, summerdai said:

    I think nearly all SS sets have been officially recorded and released 


    Thought 2022 didn't get released, but I was just checking nugs, not the site merch store, so looks like you're right. Disregard!

  3. 1 minute ago, Analogman said:

    How much can they actually make off of selling live shows by way of another company (I am guessing the company takes a cut)?


    Plus it would be nice if they put out something official on one of their websites or whatever. 


    It does seem odd after all this time. 


    I'm not sure exactly how the financials work with nugs, but I also doubt that audience recordings would really make a dent in official recording sales. Even as a taper I still buy every show I see when the recordings are released. 


    Sadly, taping policies on band websites have generally disappeared. Policies are passed through word of mouth or email with management these days. 

  4. On 9/9/2022 at 8:11 AM, Analogman said:

    I have to wonder what the reason is for changing the policy. 


    Maybe someone here can find out.



    Didn't mean to drop that tidbit and disappear... There's been a bunch of discussion about it on a pretty active taper forum. I was specifically told no by Stan in SLC last fall, he said the promoter said no and assumed they'd be putting out recordings of the whole tour because of it (none have come out so far...) Few others were able to get in over the course of that tour so not entirely sure what was going on there. 


    About a month ago somebody reached out to Wilco management and were specifically told taping is no longer allowed. I believe they asked Stan at a show and was told that while Stan and the touring crew fought hard for taping, the band basically didn't care, and new management gave a hard no. 


    Honestly pretty disappointing to see a band that was soooo open to tapers have a complete reversal. I can only hope that they start putting out everything as roadcase/nugs releases, but I'm not holding my breath seeing how inconsistent they've been.

  5. On 8/31/2022 at 6:09 PM, u2roolz said:

    Yep, I second that! I miss the days when  Nugs would drop a new show every month, instead of the quarterly release plan that they’ve gone with. We won’t see another show again until the last day of November. Seems far, far away. 

    We'll have to cross our fingers that it starts to pick up, as they've apparently put the kibosh on audience taping... :hmm

  6. Great set last night. I relocated out to SLC a few months ago so it's always fun to see Wilco in a new place. Nice to see a few changes (love the inclusion of ALTWYS.) Was bummed not to get Ashes and haven't seen a setlist but it seemed like they got curfew'd. I enjoyed both Sleater Kinney and Nnamdi and would definitely recommend showing up on time for this tour. 


    Quick note if there are any other tapers on here: I spoke to Stan and he (very apologetically) told me that the promoter told him no taping on this tour. He said his impression was that it was because they're planning on releasing every show from the tour, but considering how sporadic it's been in general, I guess we'll have to wait and see, but probably don't expect a ton of tapes from this one. That said, I taped anyway and will upload it if I don't see any others pop up

    • Thanks 1
  7. A Shot in the Arm

    Random Name Generator

    At Least That's What You Said

    Everyone Hides

    I Am Trying to Break Your Heart

    Art of Almost

    If I Ever Was a Child

    Impossible Germany

    Love is Everywhere (Beware)

    Box Full of Letters

    White Wooden Cross

    Dawned on Me

    Jesus Etc.


    I'm the Man Who Loves You

    What Light

    Heavy Metal Drummer

    I'm Always in Love


    California Stars

    • Like 1
  8. Had a great time last night. Thought the new songs fit in pretty well (with an exception or two.) Nice to see that they're rotating more songs than they were on Schmilco tour, but would still love to see even more variety night to night. Man Who Loves You and I Got You both felt pretty flat and could use a bit of a break IMO (as could Jesus, but people seem to love that song.) Loved seeing ALTWYS and Theologians, and thought Misunderstood was great as the set ender. Overall solid setlist and show. Will try to have my tape uploaded later today. 


    ETA: There was also some great banter last night, including Jeff cajoling a guy for walking across the lip of the stage taking photo/video. Said "I hate that guy" and then called him an asshole  :lol

  9. I get what you're saying, especially the underutilized insight. Star Wars is the outlier in the recent Jeff Tweedy-related output; the others are waltz/folk heavy. Schmilco, to me, sounds like it fits more with Sukierae/Warm/Warmer than the rest of the Wilco catalog. I don't think Ode to Joy will be another Schmilco. At least I hope it is not, as I prefer the rock/experimental wanderings that Wilco does so well.


    I still can't help but think of Star Wars and Schmilco as one long record. They're both short and complete each other tonally 

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