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Posts posted by opsopcopolis

  1. ^thats too bad, it was a great show.

    As you'd figure from the "Dawn of the Dan" title it was early stuff.

    Listening back right now I'm up to:

    Your Gold Teeth

    Black Friday

    Rikki Don't Lose that Number

    Hey 19

    Time Out of Mind

    Parker's Band

    Any Major Dude

    Show Biz Kids


    I know they also did Boston Rag, Do it Again, Dirty Work, Peg, Kid Charlemagne, Old School, Reelin in the Years, Pearl of the Quarter, Bodhisattva, and Pretzel Logic, and Godwhacker. I think there were a few others but I can't remember them off the top of my head.

  2. So, I've been wondering recently (and I forgot to ask him) how Nels does his nonstop noise/feedback stuff. He has something that looks kind of like a screwdriver that he presses against the strings (I noticed it at the beginning of Dawned on Me in Boston last week). At first I thought maybe it was an EBow type of thing, but that wouldn't make that type of noise without some further help.

    Anybody know?

  3. I don't know if it's just me after listening to loud music for several decades, but did anyone think the volume needed to be louder?


    yeah, the volume needed to be bumped up a little bit. I started out in a box in the back of the orchestra and it was fairly quiet. I ended up in row K though and up there the volume was pretty nice (obviously). I've had issues with the Wang being really quiet before though

  4. opsopcopolis


    they allowed recording last night.

    was it stealth or could you tape from your seat...

    did you need help getting equipt into the want

    what were you running.


    Taping was very much allowed, not stealth at all, and no help needed getting in.

    I run a very simple small rig. Sony ECM-907 > Sony Hi-MD. Sound pretty good for what it is, but I'm sure the guy that was taping with a big looking rig with nice mics in row L will sound much better than mine

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