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Posts posted by CrushOfVeils80

  1. Im sure the 19 really die hard Rays fans really care but at the same time Im tired of hearing how long its been for their fan base, 10 years is not a long time, I'm a Texas Rangers and Detroit Lions fan, I know a little bit more than Rays fans about waiting for a championship run

  2. The Rockies went straight back to the end of the line immediately this season after the spanking they took in the WS for cutting to the front of the line last year. I predict the same for TB.



    Rays are set up better for long term than the Rockies, the Rays have much better starting pitching and a deeper farm system

  3. You got to wonder with a day of rest now if they would throw Hamels like an inning or so since he only threw 75 pitches, especially if its like 2-2 after 10 or 11 innings and Lidge and Madsen have been used



    WTF was I thinking? CH obviously cant reenter a game he has left, wow, I needed a nap

  4. More likely they'd save him for a possible Game 7 start on Friday.



    that would only be 3 days rest, I could see that, looking way ahead I think you have to start Moyer game 7 as well as he pitched in game 3 and CH could come out of the pen if needed

  5. Except for maybe Dallas, the NHL has no place in the American south, it will never work...

    It's sad that the NHL wants to expand to Kansas City



    Dallas draws very well, but of course they didnt like 12 years ago before they got good


    Im excited about KC cuz its only 3 hours away....another great place for an NHL team would be Omaha, NE...they have an amazing arena and games with the Omaha Lancers of the USHL and Univeristy of Nebraska-Omaha draw really well....KC & Omaha would both support the NHL really well

  6. Yeah, I tend to think if the score was already tied after 4 or 5 innings, he would have made the call at that time. The Pena RBI made his decision easier and let him off the hook. Still shouldn't have started the 6th.


    Oh I totally agreed it should have been stopped sooner, probably after 4, its not like either team has games the next few days like in June so travel isnt an issue, the crew for this series has been terrible, all of that said at the same time for the Phillies fans who are upset...... they let BJ Upton get on and you had to of known he was going to steal a base also a better throw by Burrell in LF gets Bossman Junior at home.....get outs, no excuses, play like a champion...with the Phillies pen though they have a great shot to finish game 5 out, a battle of the pens favors them big time


    after all this drama I do hope the Rays can send it back to tampa, I have a buddy with tickets to game 6, also Im not ready for baseball season to be over

  7. I couldnt care less if a coach is emotional, just run a good clean program and try and get better as the year goes on, fact of the matter is the Niners could have Bill Walsh (yes I know he is no longer with us) or Bill Parcells right now and they would suck, their GM has made some terrible moves the last few years

  8. Ditka ranted all the time, Bill Cower did at times, etc etc


    Singeltary is in a much better situation than a lot of other guys, he can say whatever he wants, he doesnt need the money and will always be able to land a job as a LB coach of DC, Im glad when coaches call selfish players out, even if that digs a grave for them

  9. Singletary wont put up with ME first guys, he is the boss, if Vernon Davis or any other players dont get that then trade or cut their asses, Singletary is the kind of guy who deserves respect, he has obviously been at the top as a player and has forgotten more about football than Vernon Davis knows...but no there is no proof he will be a good head coach, I do like that he wont put up with selfish players though, too many coaches do that, he may be better suited as a college coach but I think he can do ok in the NFL with the right players, what SF really needs is a new GM

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