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About zoesdaddy

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    A Cherry Ghost
  1. Happy birthday Jeff. I hope this is the best birthday for you ever! The oversized macrame owl is in the mail. The address on the label reads: Jeff Tweedy The Loft Chicago, IL Please let me know if you get it! Have a diet coke or 2 for me tonight, and thanks for making such meaningful music! By the way, I know a lot of folks would LOVE to hear the current Wilco line-up re-make the first few Wilco albums (AM, Being There and Summerteeth). That would be a dream come true! Cheers, Tim
  2. That man has expensive taste hahahahaha
  3. Weird topic i know, but Jeff (and sometimes John) wear these light brown shoes w/ a long toe... anyone know what i'm talking about, and anyone know where to buy a pair? They look very comfy! here's a few links that show it: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://es.calendarioconciertos.com/wp-content/uploads/Jeff-Tweedy2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://es.calendarioconciertos.com/%3Fcat%3D13&usg=__ESqoQwIQEaCEpGQVLXjBXeoqhy4=&h=383&w=383&sz=67&hl=en&start=0&tbnid=91iZ_bvnxOUQpM:&tbnh=141&tbnw=128&prev=/images%3Fq%3Djeff%2Btweedy%2Bshoes%26um%3D1%26hl%3
  4. Does anyone have a copy? Is it good? Any chance of anyone doing a B+P for it?
  5. BUMP!!! No replies.... please let me know which Bright Eyes EP's are worth buying!
  6. So far, the only EP that I have from Bright Eyes is Lua. Can anyone else recommend any to buy? I heard 4 Winds is great! I just got a copy of Gentleman's Pact by the Oberst Mystic Valley Band, and it is GREAT!
  7. DOes anyone have a copy of Gentleman's Pact EP that they can do a B+P for? I'll send 3 blanks for 1 copy of it... please let me know. Thanks, Tim
  8. I have both of the Conor Oberst & the Mystic Valley Band discs... they are what lead me over to Bright Eyes. Are any of the EP's worth getting?
  9. I picked up Cassadaga, I'm Wide Awake It's Morning, and Noise Floor (rarities) and i love them all! I'm obsessed w/ Oberst and need to get more. Please let me know which albums/eps that you would get next if you were building your Bright Eyes collection? Also, does anyone have Gentleman's Pact? i want to buy it from ITUnes but it isn't available. I can't download any bit torrents w/ my old computer, so if someone has it, and chance of getting a B&P for it please? I'm dying to hear it! THanks, Tim
  10. ya.. considering Pearl Jam is selling tix by the pair, and they start at $140/pair. And Ben Harper opening up? We got a steal of $38 and having Conor Oberst opening up!
  11. Great performance as usual! It would be great if they would have performed You Are My Face instead.
  12. Anyone have Gentleman's Pact? please help me out!
  13. How was Conor Oberst? Tell me more about them? Did Tweedy have any funny comments?
  14. Thanks all so far... i see that he sold an EP at some shows called "Gentleman's Pact"... does anyone have it? If so, can you do a B&P for it? Thanks, Tim
  15. My wife is/was a big fan of Bright Eyes, and really got me into Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band! I have both of the cds, and love them so friggin much! I'm trying to get into Bright Eyes (and/or any of his earlier solo stuff or bands). Is there anyone who can give me a good map of what to start with? If anyone would be willing to make me an MP3 disc of any essential stuff that I should hear, that would rock! Is there a website to hear some of his early solo stuff? I feel that I'm missing out big time by not knowing any of his old stuff! PS- Danny Callahan is such an amazing
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