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tinnitus photography

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Status Updates posted by tinnitus photography

  1. They say the third time is a charm... 2012 and 2016 were spectacular, so i can't imagine i'll be disappointed in 20… https://t.co/0zLqbRVbVH

  2. catching up on a couple of shows from last week... first, the 3teeth / Ho99o9 show at Brighton Music Hall:… https://t.co/HeXw3KjGtu

  3. The long wait is over... new material from Sleep has arrived. Faint transmissions from the outer galaxy were picked… https://t.co/egus7m0Ud6

  4. get ready for this to drop tmrw... what date is that again? oh yeah... 4/20. https://t.co/NGArNcndFe

  5. The Pretenders recently played town and Chrissie and Martin still sound as good as ever. https://t.co/yRlxomRIXs

  6. Ethan Miller has been super busy lately with Heron Oblivion, Feral Ohms and The Odyssey Cult, but let's not forget… https://t.co/s02BmfkAzT

  7. Really sad to hear of the sudden passing of Caleb Scofield. Peace to his family, bandmates and friends. Please cons… https://t.co/xfflQXFzqp

  8. NPR (?!?) with a great piece on the inscrutable Keiji Haino.https://t.co/oGCcIKssxc https://t.co/oGCcIKssxc

  9. . @marcthiessen “No one upholds Trump as moral exemplar. He is not the most religious president we have ever had, b… https://t.co/xThFW5JRoj

  10. Two weeks ago I went down to NYC to see Oneida play their record release show in support of Romance, their... https://t.co/jexa20j5Eh

  11. Once again, Psycho delivers an amazing lineup. See you in August!! https://t.co/YEM36va2q2

  12. RT @JasonChow: @DavidCBerliner Calls for a National Teachers’ Strike on May Day to Demand Sensible Gun Laws || via @DianeRavitch's blog htt…

  13. Only in Boston could the @bostonpolice celebrate #blackhistorymonth by tweeting about how awesome a white guy was.

  14. via @FDRLST "In the case of the memo, the American public knows exactly who is releasing it and can evaluate their… https://t.co/zsCCAlCEP3

  15. “Pride goes before destruction,a haughty spirit before a fall.” I guess god’s plan was to have @tombradby to go t… https://t.co/pkto0i6E2z

  16. RT @rosedude1: #Girther. I've got people in Hawaii looking into his weight, and you won't believe what they are finding.

  17. Taking credit for shit he didn’t do is pretty much the only thing @realDonaldTrump can do correctly. https://t.co/OJuH9CaUMP

  18. i shot less shows this year than pretty much any show since i started this thing in earnest, back in 2007. my... https://t.co/AutFT72lis

  19. Mark was the winner of my Christmas giveaway, and he chose wisely! This was fun, and I plan to make it an annual... https://t.co/jhIFXNxShG

  20. finishing up 2017... Mogwai and Xander Harris via DigBoston:... https://t.co/lLJ3gWGIBy

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