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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. a friend of mine had a group bail out and is looking to move these to fans who need them... message me if interested!
  2. been spinning a lot of my Albini records lately. Rapeman - Two Nuns and a Pack Mule Rapeman - Budd Big Black - Atomizer Big Black - Bulldozer Big Black - Songs About Fucking Big Black - Headache Big Black - Sound Of Impact Shellac - The End of Radio
  3. Just heard JC Brooks and the Uptown Sound’s cover of “I Am Trying To Break Your Heart” at the Publick House.
  4. i guess in 2015? according to setlist.fm they played 4 of the AMF songs over the two nights. but they shook up the set list pretty well i thought.
  5. Nice! they kinda did this when the Alpha Mike Foxtrot box came out but i am down for a whole show of it.
  6. there is an issue on one of the picks... "She's A Jar" and I forget the other song in the title bracket but it's not listed and "Outtasite" is listed instead as a choice.
  7. last night saw the latest buzz band The Last Dinner Party. they draw quite the rabid fan base. tonight i finally get to see Unwound again, after 30 years from the last time.
  8. when both artists played Newport Folk a few years ago, Billy joined for "California Stars"
  9. most of my listening is either via LP or digital streaming; i do have a CD player but my CDs are in the basement and I rarely retrieve any as I have everything ripped to digital and can playback via Plex. specs on my stereo: Adcom pre-amp and amp (200 wpc), both purchased new in the early 90s. turntable is a fully manual Rotel w/ Sumiko blue point II cartridge stream is Cambridge Audio speakers are Paradigm Studio 60s CD player is some generic Pioneer single disc player
  10. Horse Lords swerves much farther into the Ranaldo/Moore guitar fuckery lane, without sounding like SY at all.
  11. My review is finally done, it's got a lot of words and photos in it so dig in: Sky Blue Sky at The Big Takeover
  12. they are guests of Yo La Tengo tonight.
  13. once again i feel like i bought too many reissues; looking back rather than forward is not the best way to go through life but i am a sucker for nostalgia. I will have to dig through the list of what i got (Discogs, thx for the assist) but i think i can reasonably say that my favorite record of the year was probably the new Grails record, Anches En Maat.
  14. i definitely noticed this too, and i can't figure out what the difference was between the other two. there was definitely a palpable lack of energy though, and it was pretty easy to navigate through the crowd unless the rail was your destination.
  15. man you got a doozy! meg and charlie, damon and naomi, and ben gibbard.
  16. yeah i remember hearing a friend of mine telling me this when we saw Modern Nature's first tour. thanks for the reminder, soulseek here i come.
  17. weekend closer of metal shows. last night it was the record release show from Blood Lightning, with KIND, Casket Rats and Lipsmear tonight it's the Satanic Panic tour w/ Coven, Lucifer and Early Moods
  18. i had never seen him before, and the reports of unrecognizable songs w/ radically different arrangements was 100% correct. I really only ID'd one song "Gotta Serve Somebody" and then when i saw the set list i should have had at least 5-6 more. I thought he was great, personally. had really good seats and his band is fantastic. for all the people bitching about his voice, it's not like he was Pavarotti in the '60s and it suits the songs well. i didn't think he sounded bad at all.
  19. in a turn of events, i ended up leaning on my contact at Bowery Boston who hooked me up w/ a ticket and then the opener got me another one so Allison and I were able to enjoy last night's show.
  20. shows i've been to since that Eitzel one... Sam Black Church Bob Dylan Blonde Redhead Codeine/Barbara Manning Wet Tuna/Magik Markers Tool Botch/Converge/Cave In Sexless Marriage/Dwelley Liz Phair tmrw. (Scratch that - no press tickets, don't feel like buying a ticket to provide coverage)
  21. Guided By Voices is in a similar place but with even way more material to draw from. the set list is gonna have a handful or two of songs from the last 2-3 records, about a dozenor two classics that don't change much and then the rest are things pulled from this current lineup's output.
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