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Posts posted by jimmyjimmy

  1. Lethem is complicated for me. When he is good (as with Motherless Brooklyn and Fortress of Solitude) I love his work. For me it helps that both of those books are set within a block or two of where I used to live in Brooklyn. But he also has this whole science fiction side that I don't get. I read a really bad review of You Don’t Love Me Yet right when it came out and it soured me on the book (which I never read). I think I will read his new one but don't have it yet.


    He had a great story in the New Yorker about a year ago called “Lostronaut.” It was this really bleak and claustrophobic story of an astronaut stuck on a space station.




    I skipped Lethem's " You don't Love Me Yet" for the same reasons.

    But I am A big fan, and I still love "Gun W/ Occasional Music" along w/ F.O.S. and M.B.


    I Just ordered Chronic City yesterday based on Good Ol' Neon's impressions.


    Fingers crossed.

  2. I hated:


    Saturday by Ian McEwan


    I really recall liking that one quite a bit.


    A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers (Couldn't get past the first few chapters)


    Now, I'm right there with you on this one. I can't follow Eggers at all.



    I think one of the worst books I've read, and probably the last bad read I forced my way through out of pure stubbornness was Stephen Kings "From a Buick 8".

  3. Im guessing that a Fender Jazzmaster is a more quality guitar then a Fender Jaguar.




    When those models were initially released they were Fenders top of the line solidbodies. As with most Fenders sold today the primary characteristics of the originals is still found on the current incarnations. Between the two models, it's not a question of quality, it's that they go in different directions tonally. And that's achieved primarily by the tone circuit and their respective pickups.


    I haven't played either model in ages. I know their are subtle spec. differences between the two, a quick wiki search ought to get you any additional info you need there.


    These are also referred to as Fender "offsets". Poke around a little and you'll find places dedicated to these guitars by their enthusiasts.

  4. Yea...grizzly bear, oh man, love them...


    its a 1963 Guild T-50 (Granada)...one of the last models with the Franz pick up (like a p90, but crisper)...i got a steal, you can find Guilds cheap all over because they dont have the name recognition of Gibson, buy they better built guitars...


    Congrats! You'll have great fun playing with that thing.

    They are great guitars. I'm hoping to run across a Starfire someday of around the same vintage that appeals to me.

  5. i am holding my breath until this arrives...my new number one i believe can you guess what band Im listening to alot lately?




    I've got Youtube blocked here at work, so lemmie guess.

    The guy from Grizzly Bear/ Dept of Eagles plays one of those.


    What year and model is that , Guild Granada? 50's.

  6. Caught these cats again Tuesday evening (10/20).

    Which is probably the 7th or 8th time since first seeing them open for MMJ back in 03-04.


    They are getting seriously good as a live act. Even though I've always enjoyed their shows there's something that, possibly intangible and quite hard to put a finger on, is beginning to present itself as a bit of magic that only well seasoned road dogs can conjure up.


    They are sumthin special.

    How in the world they get through a set, on a small stage, without braining one another with their pegheads I'll never understand.

  7. 3788568165_b926c4acfe.jpg


    I think this is Russo's weakest novel to date. Not bad by any means, I just didn't feel it was that compelling.

    Although the main character possesses many of the archetypical traits of a Russo protagonist, I didn't find him terribly engaging and often found his apathy annoying.





  8. JAG124.jpg


    i know everyone like stage names better, but i personally love this one way more. every song makes me sad in a different way...not a 'depressed' sad, just sad. lovely album. Sheff is a great writer.


    I agree with you wholeheartedly.



    I am listeing to this Obits album that got some love a couple of pages back, and WOW!

    Love it.

    Makes me wanna drink cheap beer and break stuff.




  9. whoa, did that leak?



    Joining in on the "subtle hint"


    Sorry I'm late getting back to this. It's out there. PM if I can assist.




    Dig that cover!




    Digging these lots


    EDIT: First listen at full volume.

    This is great. May be better than their last, which I loved BTW.

    Aggressive, layered and rich.



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