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Posts posted by sonicshoulder

  1. Actually, there about five or six stages, plus a gospel tent and other forums. I would say at least half of the acts are jazz/local. It has been getting more indie lately, which is not a bad thing. But if you wanted to see just jazz and New Orleans music, you could go all five days and not see one indie or popular act. Just sayin'

    Correct, if you really delve into the fine print there are tons of jazz bands,they're just not really advertising any of them. It is an unreal line-up, but if I just read it with no title I would be thinking Bonnaroo has added a jazz stage.

  2. So, Who wants to sell me one of their copies? Seriously?

    Not cool! So i'm doing my bi-weekly sweep of the world wide web scouring for mermaid ave. vinyl which I have done for about the last two years when I log onto VC and see this topic back up. I thought somebody found another dusty batch in some thrift shop in Europe again. These are the last two I need for my Wilco vinyl collection to be complete.

  3. With my old ipod no, it was a a full 16gig. I was "aware" of all the content and I had cd's I wanted to put on but couldn't. I decided to throw it in the washing machine one night so a week ago I got a new 160 gig. I plan on maxing out at about 30 gigs of music and some books and podcasts. Its in my ear all day 5 days a week at work so I usually play all songs on random unless I have a new cd or am in the mood for something in particular.

  4. So I nearly deficate in my trousers the other day when while watching T.V. I hear a Dawes tune. I'm a huge fan of their first cd and have traveled to see them a couple times. It doesnt really bother me especially for a young band trying to bust out. Anybody disagree?

  5. Never listened to The Decemberists until the stream of this new album. I love everything I hear. Help me out, what are the "essential tracks" from their previous albums?

    I have made quite a few new Decemberists fans with the Itunes Live at Soho set. Its obviously available at Itunes and is as good as it gets. Usually I wouldnt suggest introductions on a live set but it is that good. If your going studio I'd say The Crane Wife album is a good place to start.

  6. SEBADOH!!!

    41T87FS0VGL._SL500_AA300_.jpg and 5120FND3PEL._SL500_AA300_.jpg


    Extra Disc for Bakesale




    I haven't seen details for the Harmacy reissue yet but I assume that the extra tracks will be culled from the various 7" and so forth like Bakesale.

    How was that baby born with the ass of a 54 year old female bus driver?

  7. Huh? Details on this?

    I read about this in November when it was just announced and the presales were sold out before I could get to any of the albums. They were to be available at controlgroupco.com but like I said sold out. I was really looking forward to hearing these two on vinyl.

  8. I'm going to take back what I said before about vinyl prices. I've been weeding out some LPs this week and I'm seriously considering cashing in. I love high prices. I just need to find a good local source for LP shipping boxes.


    Anyone want to buy Art Ensemble of Chicago "Urban Bushmen" double LP for $50? :rock

    I have a basement full of LP shipping boxes that were sent to me full of overpriced vinyl. I would love to offset some of that cost. How does $0.12 per cubic inch sound?

  9. mar-001-02.jpg

    I found it in my crawl space over the weekend. Only difference is that the one that I found is 0.15 and has a blue-green background.

    Found 3, actually. And they are all in perfect shape. Posted it at a stamp forum, too... just to see. But thought that i would ask here, too. Why not?

    That theres a Moroccan red hat. Very common. They used to give em away at the post office. I'll tell you what. I'll give you a buck fifty for all three, you pay postage.

  10. Theres not too many records I'd pay over 30 bucks for but KT was definately one of them. I had it on pre-order the minute I saw it was coming out. If there truly were only 5000 pressed and there are still some on shelves big deal,there are still only 5000 out there and I had to have one. I opened mine and played it through within an hour of pulling it out of the mail and its my favorite in my collection. Minus the Mermaids I've got Wilco complete. What I want to know is whats with buying a record and not opening it,boy thats a good time. I see people buy records they love and not open them because of the value. If you're looking for a sound financial investment people indie albums might not be the most lucrative. Cincinnati really only has one good record store so I usually do my buying online. Suprisingly Barnes and Noble has quite a collection of good albums in the 15 or 20 dollar range and shipping on over $25 is free so you can pick up a couple good records for as low as about 30 bucks delivered. Kung Fu's shipping is highway robbery so I really don't feel bad not buying from them. Avoid Aural Exploits on-line as well. I've been back and forth with that guy so many times I wont shop there any more. He has an amazing selection...because he doesn't actually have half of it so your order might take a month to get to you and he flat out ignores your emails. Sorry so long winded, I'm passionate about this shit.

  11. Wow time has flied...




    Used to be a big fan! Was supposed to see them in 1994 at the Continental Arena in NJ and my mom wouldn't let me...I was 14 at the time. That was their 3rd to last show ever! :ohwell


    Still listen to their music from time to time and get sentimental....

    Let's see, '95 I was probably stoned sideways and jacked up on my buddy's grandma's Vicodin watching a couple of dudes play Madden '94 enjoying a bowl of Honeycombs. Life was simpler then. I see Cobain following a Frank Black lifestyle if he'd have lived. I can't picture him working in mainstream music with the type of stardom he would have achieved in a few more years. I too was more Pearl Jam. I always kinda saw it as two different camps ala Stones/Beatles.

  12. i was interested in buying the new Mogwai in the limited boxset format, but the UK post is seriously crazy...23 sterling = $35 US...fuck me.

    RedrumMedia.com $20.99+3.99 shipping

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