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Posts posted by sonicshoulder

  1. It's not just a record. Technically I just dropped 75 bucks on four records, some stickers I probably already have, and a poster for the garage when it gets finished in 2038. Sweet, I don't feel so bad. I'm figuring $75 is the cheapest you'll ever get this thing so if you want to complete your set you better jump on it.

  2. Exactly... I often go that route. I buy plenty of digital downloads, too--some iTunes, but mostly eMusic--and I back up all the new files to DVD-R about twice a year. If my digital library ever crashes, I'll only lose a few months worth of stuff (and eMusic lets you re-download at no additional cost).



    Good to know about the re-download, down with Itunes.

  3. In a way, sure. Because we're talking about elementary-level aspects of grammar (proper use of apostrophes, their/there/they're, your/you're, making words plural, etc.).


    It's either lack of intelligence or carelessness. Either way, I think it reflects poorly. I teach my daughter to say please and thank you, chew with her mouth closed, and treat animals with kindness. I also repeat things she says to me using proper pronunciation and grammar so she can repeat it back. I think all of those things are equally important as far as life and social skills go.

    I can't deny a correlation between speaking properly and intelligence, but I can deny one in speaking improperly and intelligence. I grew up in Northern Ky(insert punchline). There is a certain dialect used here and in Cincinnati that is unique to this area: words get smashed together, syllables skipped, and definitions distorted...example, instead of saying "what", people often say "please" short for "please repeat yourself". These are elemantary aspects of grammar but using them as an I.Q. gauge can be dangerous. As for the other night when our dicussion started I was tending to two kids(4 and 2) and cooking dinner when I got caught up in our back and forth. Coupled by the fact I'm not downloading a spellcheck program on my computer strictly for Via Chicago plus not giving a shit about my spelling and grammar when typing in general I guess I looked/sounded like a jackass and my original point got washed away. If kids are dumber these days, which I think is far from true, it's due to the people they rely on for education in life(mom and/or dad) and in school.

  4. So again, an honest question: what would have made your high school experience better? I didn't enjoy it much at all, but I don't know how it could have been any better than it was.

    DIRECTION, Would have been nice to be able to learn in a direction relevant to my interests, instead of checking classes off of a list of requirements.

  5. I always bristle at remarks like these. Is it that difficult? Nobody is grading you on anything here, but I just don't get why people don't pay attention to those things. For instance, it drives me nuts to walk down the halls of my daughter's daycare facility (a church) and see all the misplaced apostrophes. How hard is it? And why don't people care more about these things?

    Sorry, its just not that important to me. I usually concentrate on what people are saying not how they are saying it. With that being said, believe it or not I correct my daughters(not daughter's) grammar daily. I thinks thats a contradiction but I would like to go to napalm for the confirmation.

  6. That kind of shit is irrelevant. ;)


    ...moving beyond this specific instance:


    Drives me NUTS. Absolutely nuts when people do that. I mean, I assume most jobs involve at least a little bit of writing, and I have no idea why someone would sit down at a keyboard and type differently under two different circumstances.


    Personally, I think it's exceptionally important on message boards and places where you only have electronic interaction with people; that's all you have to convey that you are someone capable of explaining your thoughts. People who can talk clearly but can't write the same casual (i.e., not formal like cover letters or professional work) sentence they speak, the same way they say it, just blow my mind.

    Mom, is that you????

  7. Sorry didnt know proper grammer and spelling was that critical on a bands website. Its funny I had this same discussion on a Gwar message board but I came out ahead in that one. I didnt know this was being graded. I typically dont pay attention to puncuation, spelling, etc. when typing...maybe Im in the wrong place.

  8. Curriculum changes more often than you think. It's a circular pattern in education. If the people teaching kids are getting more dumb I guess it follows that whomever taught the teachers failed them, and so on. Cramming irrelevant shit down their throats 8 hours a day? This is based on what?


    Scared? How so? Sounds like a lot of cliched crap to me.

    Scared as in meeting quotas for test scores. I take it your and educator...sorry if I offended you, sincerely.

  9. Ah, I took Norwegian at my Norwegian-heritaged college. But everything else was high school. Consumer Ed., Health and Gym (7 semesters!) are all required by Illinois state law, thank GOD.


    I'm still interested to know why school was irrelevant, though.

    School is not irrelevant. My senior year when I had to take a ninth grade level science class because science was mandatory and I took Physics 1(the pinnacle of my schools science electives) as a junior...that was irrelevant.

  10. Which courses that you took were irrelevant? I found my English, math, history and science classes to be very helpful. Did you not, for some reason? Gym was a welcome break of activity in the day, Latin and Norwegian were fun and helped me with my English reading and grammar as well, in addition to teaching me about cultures foreign to me. Consumer Education and Health, while boring, certainly taught me a few things I didn't know. Driver's ed - well, I might have been one of six kids paying attention, but I've NEVER stopped on train tracks. And all that's excluding the bulk of my college experience, too.


    So, which parts of that were shit?

    Sounds like our opinions may have been formed from two different experiences with education. I went to a small public school, they didnt offer Latin,Norwegian,Consumer Education, or drivers ed. Health and gym were mandatory until 8th grade and not an option from that point on unless you failed them. I would have loved options like you were given. I had no idea any high schools in America offered Norwegian! I thought we were taught a little about a lot,a veritable student assembly line.

  11. As someone who has lost more than one digital library, I prefer to buy used cd's off Amazon and import them into my itunes. They are usualy 6 or 7 bucks at the very most for a nearly perfect used cd and sometimes less than the 2.99 shipping.(ala Nada Surf Hi/Lo...2.39 like new). Now youve got the hard copy, the books,credits, lyrics, case for less than itunes. Im obviously not very computer savy so Im hesitant to do the whole torrent thing and have a real issue with itunes making you buy another download if your shit crashes. They act like they physically handed you the songs and told you not to lose them. I think it will be a long time before artist cease to use the cd format, you may just not be able to buy one at a store. All that said, my dad still rocks the Beta vcr with a wired remote.

  12. dic·tio·nary

    Pronunciation: \ˈdik-shə-ˌner-ē, -ˌne-rē\

    Function: noun

    Inflected Form(s): plural dic·tio·nar·ies

    Etymology: Medieval Latin dictionarium, from Late Latin diction-, dictio word, from Latin, speaking

    Date: 1526

    1 : a reference source in print or electronic form containing words usually alphabetically arranged along with information about their forms, pronunciations, functions, etymologies, meanings, and syntactical and idiomatic uses

    2 : a reference book listing alphabetically terms or names important to a particular subject or activity along with discussion of their meanings and applications

    3 : a reference book giving for words of one language equivalents in another

    4 : a computerized list (as of items of data or words) used for reference (as for information retrieval or word processing)

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