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Posts posted by augurus

  1. Definitely! I've been listening to that a lot this week. Along with Man Man.

    EMA's California is definitely at the top of my best tracks of the year list.


    I definitely prefer Life Fantastic over Rabbit Habits. Rabbit Habits still have a lot of highlights: oddly, it actually sounds better after I've heard Life Fantastic. I can't wait to see them, again. I just hope this time the crazy kids won't mosh and elbow me while they perform Engrish Bwudd or Young Einstein On The Beach. That was a pretty bizarre and annoying moment for me.

  2. wbs_smother_web.jpg

    Wild Beasts - Smother

    A much more delicate piece of art then their previous works. First TV On The Radio, now Wild Beasts. Who's next?




    Fleet Foxes - Helplessness Blues

    Once again, not impressed by the hype.



    Antlers, The - Burst Apart

  3. Abed is the best. Some of my favorite episodes:


    Modern Warfare

    Contemporary American Poultry

    Messianic Myths and Ancient Peoples

    Critical Film Studies

    Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas


    I also really like Parks and Recreation. This is mainly due to Ron, April, and Andy.


    They should do some cross-over episodes like they use to do on sitcoms back in the 70s.

    Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas is a also a pretty anomalous and yet great highlight of the show. Dino Stamatopoulos even helped write that episode. I'm still a pretty big fan of Moral Orel. Back to topic, I noticed a small shift and evolution in the show during Mixology Certification that brought the show outside of the Greendale zone with a serious and yet humorous tone. I thought that was a great exploration that didn't meander like many other series would. I definitely prefer the episodes where they place spotlight on a character or two. Unfortunately, I find Paradigms Of Human Memory the weakest of all the episodes, mostly due to it being a clip show despite it being a parody of clip shows.

  4. Since I haven't seen a thread on this in the archives,... let's talk about Community, a comedy on NBC television network (and streaming on Hulu).


    The episode Critical Film Studies has easily convinced me that this is one of the best episodes of television this year as well as the best 1/2 hour comedy on air since Arrested Development. Not only do they do homages well, but they have excellent control of the variety of ways to elicit humorous responses, which range from black comedy to slapstick. Please, tell me I'm not the only one keeping this show alive.

  5. upset.gif



    Bassist Gerard Smith passed away today from lung cancer and all dates for the next week are cancelled




    We are very sad to announce the death of our beloved friend and bandmate, Gerard Smith, following a courageous fight against lung cancer. Gerard passed away the morning of April 20th, 2011. We will miss him terribly.


    The following shows will be cancelled:


    April 20 St. Andrew Halls, Detroit MI

    April 22 Metro, Chicago IL

    April 23 First Ave, Minneapolis MN

    April 24 First Ave, Minneapolis MN

    April 26 Ogden, Denver CO


    There will be more information as it becomes available.

    Rest in peace, Mr. Gerard Smith. Onto filling the empty voids that are the dead band member and tonight...

  6. que? they've been pretty badass the 5-6x i've seen them

    I first saw them when they were touring for Return To Cookie Mountain. The sound was just this awful bland grunge sound similar to the dismal sound they had at SNL (which they claim is their regular sound, and nothing was wrong). The only things that stood out from that concert was Young Liars, Wolf Like Me, and Staring At The Sun. They're playing at the same venue, sadly, and I do really want to give them another try live. I just hope the mix isn't horrible and that they don't sound like some awful grunge band again.


    I think they suffer from some of the weird studio sickness that Spoon suffers from when they play stuff like The Underdog or Cherry Bomb without the horns. It just sounds wrong.

  7. 31z1mlsHDEL._SL500_AA300_.jpg


    This album is so great...

    Agreed. Disappointed that in a forum so heavily alternative-singer/songwriter-favored, despite the direction of his evolving band, that The Mountain Goats receive little praise. High Hawk Season is amazing.


    np: LCD Soundsystem - The Final Show [streaming NAO]

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