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Posts posted by augurus

  1. If any record is overrated, it's Vitalogy, not VS. And is it considered cool in this thread to act like Ten isn't a brilliant record ;-)?


    I don't know why I get drawn into these (albeit good-humored) discussions. I like all their albums. Well, except for the bulk of riot act, obviously.


    I've been obsessing over No Code lately, so this Yield topic is about 12months past due for me. I'll swing back around to obsessing about that one in a while I'm sure, so no worries.


    On a completely unrelated note, does anyone care to share their thoughts on Vedder's take on Reign 'O er me?

    I do love Vitalogy's slightly off-kilter but mostly traditional dimly lit meditation on life. It's not bleak like The Cure or Scott Walker, but it's the anthemic force that comes with the slightly dark territory. The first three songs are just a crazy triple header. I don't think I've ever heard anyone call Last Exit their favorite song, but when you hear it, you do feel excited to call yourself a Pearl Jam fan. And then comes the addictive ambiguous Spin The Black Circle and Not For You, which really seals the beauty and the mire in Vitalogy. Each song on Vitalogy sounded exciting, anthemic, and familiar (except for Stupid Mop, which in its own right, isn't a song).


    I still like Ten as I revisit more often. It's a great debut. It probably rounds out as my 4th favorite. But I still can't get over how terrible Even Flow is. Yeah, I said it. Not all the songs stood on their own, but the album stands strong still. My problem with Ten is some of the lyrics and the vocal delivery, when Ed was still getting in touch.

  2. Low were terrible, which was a shame. Deerhoof was terrible also, also a shame.


    My vote for the best two opening acts...Andrew Bird and Califone.

    Great opening act that sounded horrible due to bad sound...Nora O'Connor at the Rave.

    Loudest opener ever...Rosehill Drive in Ashville.




  3. Basic DDR soft pads usually have really bad sensors, you will probably end up wasting that money. Metal pads have better sensors; sadly, there's no substitute for an arcade metal pad (unless you love engineering). I should also make a quick disclaimer that while DDR is nothing like actual dance, it's a pretty great workout if you can take it in a serious manner and a work out for feet-mind response. I know Konami has scaled down the difficulty of the game so that most audiences can jump in and have fun if they're not looking for a giant challenge.


    Just Dance focuses just on the Wii remote and your ability to wave the remote in sync with the pattern shown on the screen. I have not found anything too interesting in the concept of this game.


    I would personally recommend DDR, but that's mainly because of years of experience in that game and the continuous challenge it provides. It makes you move your feet, move your waist, and makes you think about how to set up a protocol for moving your feet, and often.

  4. Kanyecover1.jpg


    I don't even care that he's a jerk.

    At least he's honest and modest about making mistakes. I think this makes him a pretty likable jerk. In fact, in contrast to Taylor Swift, I prefer the fragile egotistic humanity in Kanye West over the cold plastic siren of Taylor Swift. But that's for another thread. Are there any skits on this album?



  5. Since we all love to make lists...

    PopTodd's favorite YLT albums:

    • Electr-o-Pura
    • Fakebook
    • I Am Not Afraid of You and Will Beat Your Ass
    • Painful
    • I Can Hear the Heart Beating As One
    • And then Nothing Turned Itself Inside Out
    • May I Sing With Me

    While Popular Songs is not as great as the aforementioned, I still want to recommend it only on the strength of Here To Fall.

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