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About Wilco3

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    A Cherry Ghost
  1. I've heard One Sunday Morning being mentioned as one of their best closing tracks on an album, though I think On and On and On from SBS shouldn't exactly be neglected either. I didn't see any references to it, and while I know some thought it was a dull song it's fantastic lyrically and truly shines live(like the Austin City Limits version with the harmony part at the end).
  2. I don't really post here often, but I had to comment(as I listen to the stream for the fourth and likely final time) just to say how much this new stuff from the band has truly impressed me. I only recently caught on to Wilco around the time that Sky Blue Sky was released(followed rapidly by everything else once I realized how awesome they were), but right away as compared to SBS and Wilco(The Album) this both represents a return to form for them as well as just another expansion in what they're capable of. Plus this material is immediately stronger where with previous efforts it took time to
  3. I want to bump this up since it's the last few days before Solid Sound, and I would be willing to come down in price for these two tickets just to avoid a complete loss.
  4. I'm not sure how much demand is available for these tickets, but I bought two somewhat impetuously right around the time they were released. Unfortunately now I can't make arrangements to go there, and as much as I'm bummed out about missing the opportunity I do want to try and make the money back that I spent on them. So I have two tickets, available for the original early bird price of $86.50, and the only difficult part of this is that I bought them online. It may not actually be difficult but this is the first time I've ever had to sell tickets for something so any advice would be appre
  5. Apparently a lot of Further fans like Wilco too, I remember being in line at Scranton and somebody going on and on about it.
  6. From the way these shows have been going lately, the ticket will say that the show starts at eight but the band doesn't come on until about 15-20 minutes later. Also they haven't been featuring openers lately so you'll get nearly three solid hours of the band!
  7. I bit the bullet and got two tickets, now it's just a matter of finding a place to stay.
  8. I wish, but unfortunately while I do have some of the funds I'm sadly lacking in the transportation aspect. It's hard too because I think those tickets are going to get bought up really quick so it's hard to haggle with anyone who might be interested on the spur of the moment.
  9. I'm jealous, I only live a few hours away from this thing but I can't strike up any interest amongst the people I know who are into the band. I guess I need to get to know more spontaneous Wilco fans!
  10. Yeah opening bands are fun but.... there really is no going back from here! They can take twenty minutes to get out there if they decide to play this long!
  11. I'm a Wheel! Time to turn on you..... for the end!
  12. What a way to near the closing here, this is the only time I'm singing at the computer and having so much fun! Hoodoo Voodoo!
  13. You know I can always tell I have this up at just the right volume when the speakers are hot and the sound waves are creating the smallest of breezes.
  14. These two nights can not get any better. And with the rate I get things done in advance of these shows starting, I need these shows every night!
  15. This sounds splendid, and once again so worth it even after ahem, all that other stuff.
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