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Posts posted by deepseacatfish

  1. Here's my little modest collection. Maybe when I'm not a college student I can start you know...actually getting nicer equipment/more equipment...but for now this is what I've got.


    My good old Mexican made strat.


    The American Ovation 12-string.


    An American Ovation classical guitar I got from an uncle when he got a guitar custom made in Australia.


    My first guitar, an Antares, I keep it in the Sonic Youth "Empty Page" tuning.


    Fender DSP 100, I would really love to get a tube amp...but right now just can't afford it, I've had this for a long time and it definitely works fine.

  2. That's the thing - Glenn Kotche's strength with Wilco lies in that he is a true percussionist, and not just drummer. His 'inglenntions' and other, more standard (but not necessarily to rock) percussive tools and methods are, to me, what makes him so essential.

    :yes Yeah, Glenn is just plain fantastic, he's a great drummer, percussionist, and musician on the whole. Anyone who could play Reich's "Clapping Music" between their two hands is pretty talented in my book, and "Monkey Chant" is a great piece. I'm just sorry I wasn't able to see any of the Glenn/Nels shows, that would've been awsome.

  3. I really love "Down With Wilco," and while the "Gun Album" doesn't live up to the same standard it is still good and fun, just not quite as good. I still need to get "In Rock" and "Let the War on Music Begin" but all in all the Minus 5 has not let me down.

  4. I just caught this tour in Iowa City. Good stuff. The Death Ships put on a very energetic set. Jay was a little...lonely seeming? I can't help but think of how rough things are for him, and it makes watching him play somewhat painful. I reccomend going.

    I was there too, it was a good show, I left partway through Jay's portion because my girlfriend was feeling sick (she's got strep), but overall I enjoyed it. The Death Ships are great, their singer/songwriter played at Grinnell a couple of weeks ago so I had a chance to talk to him then, and he was a very cool guy. Jay seemed nervous to me, I think that's what came across most, but it was still a good time, from what I caught.

  5. hey, we have a whole sub-forum called "Solid State Technology" where all your equipment questions will be answered/

    Definitely, you also might want to poke around in the Wilco book if you haven't it has a fair bit of gear in there.

  6. Mr. R, no? We're on break, too, so I'll be all up in the IGH with the ladyfriend, this time staying ON all of the roads.


    We call her parents:

    'Are you on 494?'

    We used to be.

    'Which exit!?!'

    The one that doesn't have a sign anymore...

    Mr. R is correct, woot for the IGH and ladyfriends...and especially staying on the roads. Hopefully it'll warm up and ice will not be a problem. Scary!

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