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Everything posted by deepseacatfish

  1. Hanging out in the comp. lab, think I'm going to be here a while
  2. Jeebus is right, Starbucks is already out of control. 3 times as many stores is ridiculous. I don't ever go there, but I'd say they've about achieved market saturation (if I wasn't convinced before a walk around downtown Chicago convinced me fully). Looks like local and awsome coffee shops will need more support, and I don't have a problem with doing that. In other news I need to get to work on this marimba/bass comp soon, that and practice some percussion before my lesson tomorrow.
  3. Hmm, I usually pass on pants when heading to the DMV, but whatever suits you.
  4. Organic orange juice I wouldn't invite over any congressman/senators. Just saying.
  5. I've only been lucky enough to see Wilco once and a Tweedy solo show. But if Wilco happens to come to Iowa again, or I get out of the state to see them they can play whatever they'd like (though I'd especially like it if they played Not For the Season or Pot Kettle Black )
  6. What's hippity-happening around here?
  7. Night all, gonna get some actual sleep for once, it should be amazing.
  8. Yeah, this weekend is going to require some serious work on my second composition piece and studying for a music exam next Friday. But Saturday is a ginormous campus wide party and I get paid next Wed. so I won't complain. This one is sweet. I love all propoganda posters. They're great.
  9. Busy here too, but in just over a week I've got fall break
  10. I'd scale back your mom's visit until she concedes that you can rock the rasputin look.
  11. I have a pair of US Ovations and they work wonderfully both plugged in and miced. Definitely a good way to go.
  12. I'm hoping for some bad misspellings, references to BigBreast4000, and lots of e-spooning. Bring it on 'russian bride'!
  13. That's the craziest thing I've ever heard, cats and fish can't be the same thing!
  14. I do my best. Gotta keep with the seasons, and ms paint is my all round weapon of choice. So simple, so clumsy
  15. I read that as Run DMC and got really excited. That's medical papers for you If I did that my profs would kick my ass.
  16. No, he did mean baited breath, he's trying to catch one of those massive fish like Wheelco posted.
  17. Margins are for jerks anyway In other news the ice cream cone I had was delicious
  18. Making Italian chicks eyes look pretty...and then making them slowly go blind Oh those crazy Italians.
  19. I'm no Flick or Carlos, but I'd knock it up to at least 11pt nobody takes 10pt seriously.
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