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Everything posted by deepseacatfish

  1. You got it I've got four more pages of a five page paper to write for tomorrow. On the plus side I'm really pretty happy with the comp. project I finished up over the weekend... ...and I'm listening to Steve Reich...mmmmm
  2. Nope, still not seeing it. Anyways, for anyone who is interested (I recall someone asked a while back...) here's an mp3 of my first larg composition class project (as performed by the piano function of Finale Notepad ) Stuffy classical kinds of music rule!
  3. Eh, math isn't important anyway...but I'd find the book, always a useful thing to have around when you want to sell it back to make a little booze money
  4. Yes, depending on how far into the picture said disgusting liar is that should be pretty easy. Mister Stevens/Sir Stewart may also be able to consult on this, but I can take care of this around noontime.
  5. It's a bunch of droning oscillators...but I'm sure plenty of people wouldn't mind the song without them...
  6. Nice. Yeah, high street these days is all the upper class musicians, stoners, and a couple of track team members...as well as a handful of Grinnell dropouts. Needless to say, it is an excellent place to spend the evening.
  7. Just hanging around at a house on High street...aptly named I must say...
  8. Hawt! I just spent the last 5 hours drinking Summit IPA, eating steak and playing guitar
  9. Best of luck with that Yeah, I've got a busy weekend, but it's lots of music, so I can't complain.
  10. All I can say is I'll be very glad when this week is over, I'm ready for some serious sleeping in and being lazy and the like...
  11. Obviously you haven't spent enough time with this bad boy: To each their own, I suppose...
  12. Pretty good, got most of my work done and now I'm talking about Rush and perusing selections on Youtube
  13. Yeah, I've really liked all the rock stuff. Not that I wouldn't mind having one of those moogs myself
  14. Good to know. I think Rush unfairly gets overlooked these days for being full of cheesy synths and/or just for being "prog," which is too bad because they're a really good complex and tuneful band.
  15. Rocking out with people is always fun, sure playing music by yourself is cool. But nothing beats the feeling of cranking a couple amps up to 11 and just messing around for an afternoon or evening
  16. I have not seen the DVD, but I'll check it out. I just got into Rush a year and a half ago and I've enjoyed it so far
  17. Rush rules, and I will kick anyone's ass who disagrees
  18. Bet the kids would like Yo La Tengo
  19. That qualifies as extrodinarily lazy. I realized that I saved a new Finale composition over an old composition that I still needed...good thing I turned in a copy to my prof the other day...
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