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Posts posted by deepseacatfish

  1. i'm gone for two days and i'm already lost. argh.

    This should sum it up for you well:


    Still confused? Then you're right about where you should be :P


    My night is going spendidly, but on Monday I'm going to have a music history test that will kick my ass all over the place if I don't devote a lot of timet to studying this weekend.

  2. my wife just turned to me while we were watching survivor: who's the superior race? and--upon seeing that I was staring at the setlist I just printed out of the wilco show I downloaded this afternoon--said to me: "We need to find a wilco anonymous."


    so what did I do as soon as the show was over? get on this board.


    Maybe she has a point.

    Or maybe she hasn't listened to Wilco enough :ninja


    Edit: Maybe this is a stretch, but you know, at least for me Wilco beats out Survivor: Who's the Superior Race. Just a thought.

  3. The instrumentation on the song is really wonderful, and done lushly without ever sounding grandiose and overbearing on the words. Definitely a beautiful cut off of Summerteeth (though personally I lean towards Via Chicago...).


    I really like the clip of it in I Am Trying to Break Your Heart, I think it captures the song perfectly.

  4. dang. i'm avoiding homework as usual... learning the ins and outs of protools :rock


    but i get the tired part. definitely hear ya there

    Rock on. Yeah, protools will totally suck you in and your time will dissappear, I garuntee it.


    I also finally managed to schedule a meeting tomorrow with my advisor to get him to sign off on a class add...which has a deadline of Friday, and to try and see if he can help me get the college to pay me to sit around on my ass all summer composing music and playing with protools :P . He's so flaky it took three weeks for me to get a meeting...doesn't help that this semester he's not teaching any real classes :no

  5. Boulevard is pretty sweet in general. I would love to try the tripel sometime, but haven't seen it around.


    Also, I'm a big fan of O'Fallon breweries in Missouri, they make this stuff called Wheach (with an awsome pacman like peach/wheat hybrid guy on the front)...delicious.

  6. Im a a big Wilco fan and was wondering what would be a good uncle tupelo album to start off with. i like acuff-rose, wait up , and gun. if anyone has any suggestions that would be great.

    Personally I lean towards Still Feel Gone, or Anodyne as favorites.


    If you like more rootsy-folk stuff go for March 16-20. No Depression is good as well, so really you can't go wrong, and the reissues are pretty sweet, what with all the liner notes and stuff.


    If I had to choose one, I'd say Still Feel Gone, but you'll probably get a different answer out of everyone.

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