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Posts posted by deepseacatfish

  1. really? it's all about the 2 scoops. i got your back on this one :cheers

    Awsome. :thumbup


    Also, while I'm not particularly a fan, I find West Side Story less obnoxious than most musicals, particularly Oklahoma which never should have been made.


    Cannibal the Musical on the other hand :worship

  2. Great disc.


    Probably preaching to the choir, but I just found it recently. Since finding Wilco two years ago, this is the first CD I've popped in and not immediately wanted to pop it back out to listen to Wilco.


    Check it out if you haven't.

    :yes ...in fact I think I'll give it a play right now. Huge fan of "Where Will You Go?" especially, brilliant song.


    Anybody have any older Minus 5 stuff? I've got the new disc but I'm wondering how much of their other stuff is worth checking out.

  3. I feel like we have ourselves a battle brewing here on the vc boards. It's the end times. Pick your sides, ladies and gentlemen! I envision the end looking sort of like X-Men:

    If it's anything like X-men 3 then count me out, that movie sucked.


    In other news, I'm reading Amy Vanderbilts Complete Book of Etiquette.

  4. I also have a stapler that is doing some pretty unbelievable things.

    Good to know.


    I'd rate my stapler as average. Not particularly stellar, but functional. My printer, however, needs more ink and therefore is currently well under the unbelievable mark, in fact I'd rate it as subpar.


    My red pen is definitely working exceptionally at the moment.


    i have something that does some pretty unbelievable things.... uhhhh :unsure

    Are you drinking again :P


    (that's right Caliber, I used a smiley as punctuation!)

  5. yeah, i will be using the hd @ school as well, in my production III class we will get to use the mini suites but i'm not sure what's in there yet.


    the whole school studios are only 3 yrs old so it's not so bad.


    i got my littly guy & ibook with a tax return so that i can do my projects at home or on the deck.

    Good call, yeah, I was thinking about getting the mbox for doing the same, but my computer is a little too old for that, and I'd prefer to get a new mac for the whole protools thing.



    Also, it should be noted that analog modular synths are really sweet. Carry on.

  6. gotcha, its a fun llittle rig, i have the older one & the desgin for yours is much better.

    Protools is fucking hawt. I use the HD setup here at school...woot music major perks :music


    But when I have the money (aka, not soon) I'll be getting something like the digi002

  7. can the motherfucker play a spot on riff-for-riff cover of eruption off of Van Halen I? if not, this guy is a hack and should be sent to down to the grade school circuit to teach tuba to fat kids. let me know if you need to me submit a letter of reccomendation that he have his license revoked w/ quickness. i think i know a guy who sold your dean some hasish 10 years ago and could make some things happen.



    Don't department chairs usually rotate out every two years or something? It's that way here...so maybe you could just wait for that...

  8. today is the worst day ever.

    my new guitar teacher told me that if, halway through the semester, i am not up to his standards he's gonna kick me out. he also said that i should seriously re-think being a music major with the limitations of my right hand.

    If you need some inspiration check out this guy: Wittgenstein

  9. 9.99 to 14.99 i believe, but nothing has been announced except that the iPod screens are brighter and they have fufilled the #1 iPod request:


    Gapless playback!

    Have they fixed this in i-tunes yet?


    Edit: also 9.99-14.99 for no physical product is ridonkulous.

  10. As I was driving home from the gym just now and observed a dude being put through the sobriety test routine on the side of the road, it occurred to me that it truly would be "irony writ large" if I got killed by a drunk driver coming back from an activity that's supposed to extend my life.

    It's a shame Alanis Morrisette didn't think of that first and put it in her song, now that is ironic :huh :ermm :no

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