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Everything posted by RainDogToo

  1. Took a while, but it's now back up and running for me!
  2. Has to be... I can't even get a connection.
  3. Stopped... page refresh... aaaannnnd white screen... no sound...
  4. 1. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot 2. Summerteeth 3. A Ghost is Born 4. Being There 5. Sky Blue Sky 6. Wilco (the album) 7. A.M.
  5. YES!! One of My favorites!!! Brings me back to the Wolftrap show last summer! I think I requested that song 50 times!
  6. I'd like to hear "Spiders" acoustic... or maybe "Magazine Called Sunset"... or maybe "When you Wake Up Feeling Old"... yeah, that one!
  7. I'm doing both! Tuning to Wilco at the commercials!
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