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Everything posted by RainDogToo

  1. Dr. Dog Saturday 2010-02-06 The Mill, Iowa City IA (Played five "Shame, Shame" songs!)
  2. Actually it's M. Ward's first band. But man, how I wish (Sixto) Rodriguez would release something new! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodriguez_(band)
  3. You can now Pre-Order! http://www.kingsroadmerch.com/anti-records/artist/?id=152 Just ordered the 'No Problem' skeleton shirt bundle!!!
  4. Tom Waits will always be in the number one spot for me. However, for a band, I have realized more recently that Dr. Dog seems to be closing in on Wilco quite fast! But hopefully come next year with the new album, they will return to my #2, again!
  5. I don't think it was great. I did like it, just didn't love it! I think it was a well told story and had some funny and interesting scenes. That being said, I just can't understand all the Oscar nominations (Best Director, best Actor, two Best supporting actress noms AND best picture...huh?) I feel like George Clooney has played this type of role countless times. I read a review that said he could've played this role in his sleep and that is exactly the way felt... Clooney was just 'playing Clooney'. Vera Farmiga being nominated remains a mystery to me, while it was a good performance, I don'
  6. Love the way they play this song, now!!
  7. "Country Disappeared" ...Still LOVE this song!!
  8. At first, I thought there was something wrong with my connection!
  9. ^^^ Me too! I keep thinking/ hoping that they'll add a Virginia date! Still suprised to see that "Shame, Shame" hasn't leaked yet!
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rTqiSxtqao
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0D0e9pqFZQU
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