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Everything posted by RainDogToo

  1. Wilco Forms dBpm Records, Partnership With ANTI From ANTI: http://www.anti.com/catalog/view/167/TBA
  2. YES! For some reason I knew they'd go with ANTI... Home of Tom Waits, Dr. Dog and other great artists! Good for them!
  3. I think for the most part Patti Smith's discography is pretty great. Also, even though Heartless Bastards have only released three albums so far, those three have been consistently strong albums.
  4. I think all of Dr. Dog's albums have been great!
  5. Tom Waits Dr. Dog/ Scott McMicken Patti Smith Bob Dylan Wilco/ Jeff Tweedy Heartless Bastards/ Erika Wennerstrom Dr. John M. Ward Howlin' Wolf The Band Mahalia Jackson Billy Holiday Otis Redding Louis Armstrong Ella Fitzgerald Joe Strummer Louis Prima Marc Ribot
  6. Just started listening now and loving the first track!
  7. This one doesn't seem as pixely, right?
  8. Hey there! Last I heard the date was March 2011, but now I find this... Whenever the date, we better get our hands on a copy fast! Though, I'm afraid to even think about what the price will be.
  9. http://www.utexas.edu/utpress/books/obrhar.html
  10. I'd personally like to hear "Dark Neon" played live.
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