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Posts posted by RainDogToo

  1. The Catcher in the Rye- JD Salinger

    On the Road- Jack Keourac

    Girl, Interrupted- Susanna Kaysen

    Chronicles- Bob Dylan

    A Coney Island Of the Mind- Lawrence Ferlinghetti (Poetry book count?)



    To Kill a Mockingbird- Harper Lee

    A Scanner Darkly-Phliip K Dick

    The Painted Bird- Jerzy Kosinski

    Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Hunter S. Thomson

    Naked Lunch- William S Burroughs

    All the Pretty Horses- Cormac McCarthy

    Ham On Rye - Charles Bukowski

    Bound for Glory- Woody Guthrie

    I Have America Surrounded- John Higgs

  2. Which of these new songs were debuted at Bridge School and the solo Jeff show in Spain?



    Solitaire, Everylasting Everything, One Wing, You And I, I Will, and the "crushed cities like a bug"


    Here are all of them I believe...


    Recent shows:


    "Everylasting Everything"


    Lollapalooza (Although, it was sung before that):

    "One Wing"


    Spain show:

    "You And I"


    Bridge School Benefit:

    "I Will, I Will"

    "Crush the Cities"


    Oh and 'Sunny Feeling' too, but I forget where that was oringally played.

  3. Interesting, on the website for the dvd, when you hold your mouse over the signup for the mailing list it says 'Pre-Order Deluxe.' I wonder what kind of extras the Deluxe Version will have.


    That doesn't happen for me. Though it is interesting that you caught that. I wonder, if true, what that could include.... perhaps an audio disc of the video...just a guess? :blush

  4. Tom Waits has quite a few grand weepers in his catalogue... here are just a few of them.


    Fall of Troy

    Georgia Lee

    Soldiers Things

    Day After Tomorrow

    Come on Up to the House

    Who are You


    Lucky Day

    Down there by the Train

    Bottom of the World

    San Diego Serenade

    Shiver Me Timbers

    Lost in the Harbor


    On the Nickel


    Train Song

    That Feel

    The Part You Throw Away

    Take It With Me

    Kentucky Avenue

    A Little Rain

    Whistle Down the Wind

    Innocent When You Dream

    If I Have to Go

    Poor Edward


  5. Just bought a copy of "A Coney Island of the Mind" 50th Anniversary Edition. On a cool side note, there is a Tom Waits quote on the back.


    "I got it signed when I was a teenager. I took the train to San Francisco, went to the bookstore and went to a nearby bar where I heard that he hung out, gave it to the bartender and said, 'Well, if he comes in, have him sign it for me, will ya?' And he did! There are great pieces in A Coney Island of the Mind--it feels very current in spite of the fact that it's fifty years old." --Tom Waits, on National Public Radio



  6. Absolutely. Kate Winslet and that other chick from the movie I've never heard of were ridiculous. Say what you want about their art, but any actor awards ceremony is an unmatched convention of the ridiculously self obsessed. It's nauseating.


    I'd like some male actor to win, grab the trophy, and tell all of his critics and competitors to fuck off. At least he'd be honest.


    Rourke was great though. That was genuine when I didn't think it existed.






    Question for those who did watch it all - I missed most of a Tina Fey acceptance speech - was she really telling some internet types off, or was it a gag?

    When Kate won the second time, to me she seemed very open and sincere. I found her to be quite charming. :yes I think it was her time to win and I'm glad she did!


    Oh, and Tina Fey's speech was great! Yes, she was really naming people on the internet. She was talking about people on a forum called 'The Envelope."

  7. Also, I am rereading one of my favorite books for about the 50th time. It also happens to be a first edition version. I was lucky enough to have just come across this at an estate sale the other day. I bought it for $20. The only problem is it doesn't have its dust jacket. :( Still, I looked on ebay and I saw a couple first editions minus its dust jacket selling for hundreds of dollars. So, I am pretty lucky to have found this one in very good condtion! Also, it's pretty neat, on the first blank page there is a note from a mother to her son on graduation day that reads; " May you write something this great one day." I find this very interesting, makes me wonder about what the story behind what was written is all about.



  8. What did you think of Wes Bentley in this?

    I've always been surprised by his lack-of-career following American Beauty.

    In the film, his character is kind of low key. Overall, I think he gives a solid performance, though not a good as American Beauty. The film was pretty good, shame it never made it to theaters... I miss going to see Winona at the movies. :(


    Just watched these two great films! Too bad the Ingrid Bergman/ Rossellini films were never released on DVD! Though, I am trying to get the people at Criterion to release all their film together in a box set. I am also (for the last 5 years) trying to get them to release Tom Waits' "Big Time' too. So, I don't expect much to come of either suggestion.



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