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EL the Famous

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Posts posted by EL the Famous

  1. on a side note or something that Crazy Horses video is still about the best thing I've ever seen next to most porn.


    agreed. you can complain all you want, but any thread that exposes the masses to both the KISS solo albums AND the osmond's 'crazy horses' couldn't be anything further from a waste of time.

  2. Rumor on another wilco message board is the boys are working on a cover photo shoot that pays homage to this classic:



    and it's just one 47 minute long version of 'wilco: the song' and a cover of 'crazy horses' itself. i'll buy 2!

  3. it's not actually one album, but an individual solo album from each member of the band that will be released on the same day. each album will include a poster of that band member shaped like a puzzle piece, that joined w/ the other posters from the other albums...make an entire photo of the band.

  4. I used to read Eightball, all the time. Young Dan Pussey was great. I also liked the Laughin' Spittin' Man.


    if you're looking for some laughs, hunt down some Stickboy, and Steven


    i actually came across a download of the fantagraphics trade for '20th Century Eightball' yesterday. i'm still going to buy it, i love his stuff. did a review of the new special edition ghost world on my blog yesterday.


    i bought the trade for 'milk and cheese' a few weeks ago, fun stuff. i'll check out those others.

  5. Infinite Crisis catches a lot of shit from whiny internet fanboys, but I loved it. the only thing about the bound version I didn';t like, was they made some editorial changes that kind of impacted the story. but they were minor, so it's no big deal.


    are you talking about the Matt Wagner "Trinity", or the current weekly series?


    sorry, yes, the wagner 'trinity'. nice little book. love the art.


    surprisingly, i enjoyed that infinite crisis a lot more than i thought i would...those big 'event' type-series scare the shit out of me after being away for so long. i was pretty haphazard at following storylines when i did read the things...i bought/read the entire original secret wars and read x-men through the entire morlock, demon thing and brood storylines...that's about it.

  6. I don't think I've seen any of McG's films, but he's one of the producers for Chuck, and his Terminator movie looks awesome, so he can't be all bad. This Wonder Woman rumor bothers me, and I'm not even a huge Wonder Woman fan. Beyonce chouldn't be cast as Wonder Woman, it just doesn't work (unless DC starts their own Ultimate-type line, and they do what Marvel did with Nick Fury).


    he did both of the charlie's angels movies...mindless fun, but on such a scope you have to respect it. and yes, the ultimate nick fury is exactly what i thought of when i read that.

  7. I just realized that Dan Dreiberg, is being played by the pedophile from Hard Candy


    i actually watched that on free movie on demand this past weekend...fucked up flick. those posters are kind of nice.


    was i seeing things when i read that McG is on tap to possibly direct fucking beyonce in a wonder woman flick?! funny enough, i actually like his work and think he'd make a decent comic book related flick...just not wonder woman and definitely not w/ beyonce as wonder woman.


    BTW, tully, i plowed through the 'infinite crisis' trade last night and got half way through 'trinity' (my library had a HUGE graphic novel section)...it's safe to say, contrary to growing up a marvel guy, i'm reading WAY more DC stuff as i've gotten back into comics. also, devoured volume I and II of the innvincible ultimate collections. jesus, what a great comic.

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