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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. Ultra-tense 2 hour latenight conference call on a Friday...whoo! I'm going to get some sleep. Later, vampires.
  2. awesome, you just don't sound like it on the subject of politics I guess. but, it is a message board, so yeah.
  3. Again, while I still think that what we say can be used to embolden terrorists...or maybe it's HOW we say what we say, i'm more concerned w/ 'speaking intelligently' on our homefront so you don't embolden the same republican party you're complaining about. it's slinging around the words 'evil' and 'nazi' and 'fascists' and...whatever. do you want to turn those potential voters away from the group that they didn't catch were so awful the first 4 years or scare them/call them stupid to the point where they are so disenfranchised they vote out of spite?! educate them on what's in it in for them
  4. me too. so i'll do what I can to change it, just like those before me did what they could to make it better in the face of times THEY didn't like what it was becoming. do you think you're the first person in american history to say they hate what america is becoming? how many times have people said 'this country is at an all time low, we're doomed' only to have people rise up and move it forward in a better direction? how about 'speak intelligently'? cripes.
  5. 9 months ago, I would have told you Dreamin' Judy's house, but she's got a kid now...so it may be kind of cramped.
  6. Dear Jorge, I almost forgot. I don't know if you guys have a Jewel out by you or that they even do the same promo at the one up the street from us...but ours has a weekly 'Pizza Night' special where you get an Uno's heat and eat + free 2-Liter of Pepsi for $4.99. We're going to give it whirl tonite. Live strong. EDIT: This is El Famous.
  7. I hit crazy by noon today, so no worries. Seriously, everybody, speak freely...and wisely. You aren't going to win back anything w/ the 'I know you are, but what am I?' technique. I realize how frustrating things have become, but c'mon...
  8. I'm sure some people are twisting it to use it as a 'bullshit excuse to cap free speech' and absolutely no offense taken. At the same time, i'm sure that the groundfighters don't have time for any of that, but my guess is that part of whatever methodology of propaganda their leaders do use taps into it. Why fuel the fire? To clarify what I mean by that, I don't think you should cap your right to speak freely...but you should choose the words you're using carefully. Don't give them any ability to say 'see, even americans hate america!' or don't give those here the ability to say 'why would yo
  9. Let's be clear, there is absolutely nothing wrong w/ speaking up and expressing your outrage...but I can definitely see that saying WE suck or AMERICA sucks versus GEORGE W. BUSH sucks provides aid to the enemy. when I say 'enemy'...I mean both abroad and, more importantly, HERE. Opposition to the current admin and/or the republicans lined up to take it's place, needs to figure out a better message to convince those who want to be a proud american aren't stupid for feeling that way. rather, we need to show how being american can mean that you have a global worldview and still love where you'
  10. Sirstewartwallace, your fly is open (AKA your hannibalatar is all angelfired up).
  11. Please, speak for yourself...that strikes me as absurd as saying that all muslims fly planes into buildings or walk around strapped w/ explosives, all Africans are shady power-hungry warlords, all North Koreans are dictators w/ a penchant for bad haricuts and nuclear arms, etc. frankly, if people from other countries view me based solely on what the see in our current President/administration...they are shallow, stereotyping and (like go go said) not worth my time. in the face of all the bullshit the current admin has wrought upon us, you can tuck your tail between your legs, disavow being a
  12. I think that's ridiculous. Being ashamed of our current administration is one thing, being ashamed to be an American is another.
  13. yeah man, you need to wear the jimmy hat if you're going to be boning freshmen, professors and the whatnot...no babies.
  14. as long as you're out there making things happen, that's all I need to know. i just spent 75 minutes on a conference call w/ people who I only understand about 3/4 of what they say and i'm ready for bed. peace.
  15. i've actually seen the BoDeans play live more than any other band. and i'm not really even that much of a fan. and the closest thing to sandals i've owned in the past 5 years are those old school adidas flip flops w/ the blue and white stripes across the top. even though i rather enjoy the cool air wafting through my monkey toes. the monkey toes i've seemed to pass onto my son, owen. and he doesn't seem to have a problem with that. storm is brewing. phone is ringing. oh my god.
  16. i had to look up what a kokopelli was and was not at all surprsied by the result. was the loan officer wearing Tevas?
  17. damn pee, stay strong for the DVD...don't give into the man.
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