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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. Very, very nice list of honorees this year...big fan of each and every one of them. Bambaataa was total pioneer, Lyte has always been one of my favorite female MC's, Rakim undeniably one of the best MC's EVER and the Beastie Boys went from a borderline novetly act to take the sound into so many other directions. De La Soul still notably absent from the last three shows, but my guess is with the Beasties up this year...it's gotta' be on deck for next. I'm stoked Ahmir "?uestlove" Thompson is acting as Hip-Hop Honors' Musical Director and Looks like the performers are: Common Da Brat
  2. that is one absolutely fantastic looking baby, judy! THE HAIR! love the name too! my sincerest congratulations...she's a lucky kid and, obviously, your very lucky parents.
  3. does anybody know if the beijing team is going to be able to join that conference call and, more importantly, how I get the SUG number assigned for the Sprint V3m transceiver?
  4. Understood and i'm not on said bandwagon either...but you just seem to be asking for/encouraging the heat versus taking it. i just found that odd. okay, we're done. thanks!
  5. fair enough. i was just saying that last part of the previous post kind of skewered things.
  6. that part doesn't really help your statement that the post wasn't politically loaded, but okay.
  7. I don't think it's any bigger deal when a puppy dies than anyone else.
  8. i have no idea what that means, but I think I agree completely.
  9. okay then, both questions/comments were absolutely appropriate and given at the appropriate time. i'm just crazy. no biggie, sorry.
  10. as far as firefighters, i was referring more to the 'but the job is inherently dangerous' part...same thing right? plus, apart from the aformentioned 'bad cops' i don't think all of them get in your face, wave guns around and seek out popping caps into innocent people. granted, i have several friends who are in law enforcement and they are good guys who I respect for putting themselves in harm's way. soooo, to recap...whatdidisay posted: 1. A welcome home to a friend returning from Iraq a few weeks back, only to be told that because the cat was a doctor...it wasn't really that big of a dea
  11. what about firefighters? a-man, you're right, you did ask I never refer to you and your name in my posts. if you'll agree to do the same w/ me, i'll never 'refer' to you again.
  12. Super. I am not reporting anyone - but I will freely use the ignore button. I understand the boobs thing, but who gave you the powdered wig and gavel to rule on what's 'crap'? Somebody sends me a message that justly provides rationale as to why a particular post is sullying their internet experience so fucking bad they can't just ignore it and e-go on anymore...i'll respect that a lot more than somebody anonymously reporting me. All i'm saying. The Golden Child speaks the truth. and i'm wearing one of those boss leather hats like Eddie did in the film of the same title.
  13. conklin dinner theatre? shit, that's the big time. your brother must have had mad skills. did he say if williams made the chick call him Johnny Bravo?
  14. if a thread like this popped up on the sabbath board, ozzy osbourne would personally come to each and every poster's houses and bite their heads off.
  16. both my wife and mother would probably use the OTHER handy function of this message board...IGNORE USER. actually, my mom probably would have posted something to the extent that had somebody said something like that in person that they would have gotten their leg swept and placed in a body bag. then she would have quit the board.
  17. you know, homophobic posts like that wouldn't stand on the tom petty board. i've got my third eye on you, so you better check yourself, brimley jr. I
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