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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. That's how I feel about Beltmann--he's smart and funny, yes, but every line is delivered as if he thinks it's the wittiest damn thing ever posted.
  2. It's a blank off-white (eggshell?) cover that you can decorate w/ your own (or a friends) blood, feces, urine or other bodily fluids. It also has fridge magnets shaped like Devendra Barnharts head that you can use to display your work to all of Mom & Dad's freinds at their next fondue & key party.
  3. Good point. Give a me a few minutes and i'm going to start a Bruce Hornsby appreciation thread.
  4. I fully endorse this album...was I not so lax about updating my blog in general, I would include it on my blog. Seriously, it's way good.
  5. that dude is going to get hurt really bad next time they play.
  6. C'mon Wendy, I thought you were a fan!
  7. An oldie, but still one of the best vids in the game.
  8. Does he do Holiday Road on this one?
  9. If BobBob and his fish take a run at the presidency, I would quite possibly vote for them.
  10. My guess is this tape will be just as titilating as simulated pool sex w/ Kyle MacLachlan.
  11. Albert Haynesworth should be charged w/ assault. Seriously, it was after the play and completely uncalled for.
  12. I don't love, but like Jim Carrey just fine, but yeah...Reynolds is annoying.
  13. rumor has it, there's a dirty sanchez in there...
  14. I don't know how MadTV is today, but my wife loves watching the re-runs on Comedy Central and outside of a few funny moments here and there...it always seems like it's trying to hard to be outrageous vs. funny. That said, SNL has been in a hard tailspin for at least the past 4 years. I only turn it on if there isn't anything else to watch and i'm not too tired.
  15. also, I think Patton Oswalt is probably my favorite stand-up right now. who, in comparison, makes Dane Cook look pretty not funny at all.
  16. Only one undefeated team in the NFC right now. 4-0. Wow.
  17. The terrorists frat boys have won. I don't hate Dane Cook, but I find him completely unremarkable and don't get the big following.
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