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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. I would liken this day to the original donkey kong, where barrels have either been jumped over or smashed w/ the glowing blue hammer...only to have more barrels thrown my way.
  2. they are just fine unless you arer eally rough/clumsy w/ your phones...if so, then they aren't for you.
  3. there were also zombies and a shopping spree in a deserted mall to the musical styling of one cyndi lauper's 'girls just want to have fun'.
  4. That is a fine feature film as well. I concur.
  5. Sir S, that reminds me, you should add Night of the Comet to your Halloweenie Film Fest. I think you'll have to watch on VHS though.
  6. At home that night via the magic of the VCR more likely. It's all good, it's a really cool cause and probably one of the highest visability handsets i've worked on outside of an Austin Powers phone I did the covers for when Goldmember came out. Although, meeting Bono would be pretty fucking awesome...just highly unlikely he'll make it out here to Libertyville anytime soon.
  7. I never thought i'd say this about attending an Oprah show, but: I wish. There are company bigwigs who will be in attendance...i'll have to watch on TV.
  8. Man, I hope not...we'll have to shut the whole program down.
  9. Actually, I think my favorite part of the Daily Show is when it's Stewart picking apart whatever insane clips the political system and/or the media who covered them come up each day. That said, I think the colbert show has really come into it's own and I dig it just as much as the Daily Show.
  10. This guest for this Friday's Oprah show is Bono and he'll be there talking about the Project RED iniative he started w/ Bobby Shriver. Amongst other things, i've been overseeing the first two Motorola handsets to launch in the US that they'll talk about on the show. My last few weeks have been getting everything put together to get things ready for this...trying to get few more units configured for the taping on Thursday as we speak. So, if you're interested tune in. Want more info? Go here...Project (RED). Peace.
  12. Tommy was like 15 yrs. old when they first started out. cryptique...go to the doctor, man. i still don't feel that hot, but i think the antibiotics and sleeping pretty much all of yesterday helped. soups on.
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