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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. Wait, did I miss the naked Anne Hathaway thread?
  2. between oredering things at starbucks using incorrect nomenclature and keeping the same screenames, I really do feel this board is making a difference. ACTIVISM!
  3. Well, whatever the reason, i'm glad he's on the case...we can all rest a little easier now.
  4. Borders is definitely better than Barnes/Noble...but I can only find stuff there 25% of the time music-wise.
  5. say what you will, but they at least had a better selection than best buy or borders or barnes/noble. there is like one good indie store here out in the burbs, but it's a small joint that'll usually have to order stuff...not good for instant gratification. i liked browsing in there if anything, so i'm a kind of bummed.
  6. i think that avatar is the best one you've had...next to the pantless black dudes, of course.
  7. My guess is either Grandpa or the 8-year-old.
  8. Fuck if I know...but I guess there is a guy named 'Nasty Nigel' on it.
  9. Not yet, but i'm working on a Little Superstar phone that will fit in your pocket and plays 'Holiday Rap' when people call you...then it smokes.
  10. Pretty much, yeah. I've got a 3-4 other projects besides this one that are launching pretty soon as well...not nearly as glamorous though.
  11. You know, I saw somehwere that her nickname for her friend/lesbian lover, Gayle, is 'Negro'. Swear.
  12. Either that or the leather suit i'm wearing.
  13. sweet jesus. somebody turned up the heat in the office and i'm sweating more than Eddie Murphy in RAW.
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