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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. Soul Asylum - Sometime To Return - Live 1988 MTV Studio
  2. Yeah, he's a goof...but tore shit up on that show.
  3. Yes...much like rock'n'roll jeapordy that used to air on VH1, I just sat there answering 99% of the questions and asking myself why I wasn't on it.
  4. I'd own at the 80's Trivial Pursuit. My fighting technique would be unstoppable.
  5. Went in over the weekend it was only 15-20% off...i'll wait until they get closer to closing to go back in.
  6. Finally watched this over the weekend. Sneaker freaks will dig the perspective into their favorite kicks and everybody else might find the overarcing theme on black/hip-hop culture and the affect it's had on everything from design to traditional business models to popular culture. Very well done.
  7. sorry, they've raised over $10M in Europe alone...cool either way.
  8. I finally watched the tape of the show and got pretty teary a couple of times...some of those kids in those hospitals are no older than O & Lo and they're stacked 3-4 in a bed. Not to harp, but we sell 10 of these phones and that's enough AVT for someone for an entire year...and if you don't need a phone, go buy a t-shirt or two, which at 50% of the net profit to the (RED) fund can make a huge difference...if you don't need a t-shirt, buy a pair of Chucks...etc. etc. This thing launched in Europe 3-4 months back and they've already raised roughly $5M from the proceeds, imagine w/ the buy
  9. yeah, that was a vintage John Smith rant right there.
  10. Please give her the appropriate amount of birthday spankings for me and then thank her for again the chili.
  11. You have to admit, though, that many detractors of Bush would have people who don't vocally disagree with Bush labeled as "Bush Backers." People who even slightly agree with Bush are already called neo-cons, red staters, uneducated idiots, hillbillies, racists, evil, facists, nazis, etc., so the (low) level of discourse is (although unacceptable) totally understandable. C'mon, this is a two way street and anybody who wants to say they're so oppressed for not supporting Bush can cry me a river...people get in an uproar on both sides of the fence and start slinging stereotypes and generaliza
  12. I don't think anyone who disagrees w/ W is a 'Bush Basher'...but the choice of rehtoric used to voice opposition sometimes diffuses the validity of the core policy or action the person is rallying against. He and his adminstration have done a horrible job...stick to the hard facts of why that is and quit slinging all the other bullshit epitaphs around and we might get somewhere. Damn.
  13. nope, they were a possibility and decided to opt out for some reason. so, not for right now. yeah, this kicked off in Europe first. We did a (RED) version of the SLVR over there, that I had no involvement with. The RAZR w/ USC and Sprint will be our first US offerings. say what you want about Bono and oprah and egos and blah, blah, blah...this really is a pretty cool concept w/ potential to raise a lot $. if you're not in the market for a new phone or iPod nano...maybe go buy a t-shirt or something. every little bit helps.
  14. Yep. Sprint in November. They're putting up a pre-order site that should go live soon. The phone was in a huge two-page spread in the Sun Times, which was kind of cool. I tell you what, I was at the local mall over lunch runnign some errands and stopped in at the GAP...they sold out of their two tables full of (RED) apparel by 11AM. The power of Oprah...
  15. Actually, there is a (RED) Bluetooth headset that proceeds from it's sale will go to the same fund...and then all the other standard stuff already available.
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