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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. I'm going to buy the entire collection, put them in a giant vault and then swim around in them like Scrooge McDuck.
  2. i bet you could pass gas and nobody would ever know.
  3. who needs flying cars when you have bigger penises and pert breasts all over the place.
  4. way to beat a dead horse w/ Lady Heather Mills McCartney's prosthetic leg.
  5. Yeah, way to go fucking up the message board for the rest of us. Come w/ the freshness or don't come at all. Jesus.
  6. No shit, her lips look like she got socked in the kisser by one Mr. Jeffrey Tweedy.
  7. I bet it was the same rug muncher who was ridin' dirty on the merch table.
  8. whoa. looks like the dude that jumped onstage beat up a chick in a wheelchair before pulling the knife on Tweedy.
  9. Thanks Sean. All I want for my birthday is for people to start behaving appropriately at Wilco shows. and a Janet Jackson girl on girl porn tape to surface. be good to each other.
  10. and lung cancer. don't forget the lung cancer.
  11. I like the 'decks him with a punch/open hand slap/shove to the face' line...it makes him sound like a fucking non-asian Jet Li w/ unruly facial hair.
  12. Thanks guys. All I want for my birthday is for people to start behaving appropriately at Wilco shows. and a Janet Jackson girl on girl porn tape to surface. be good to each other.
  13. word on the street is that there we also two chicks making sweet, sweet love on top of the merch table.
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