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EL the Famous

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Posts posted by EL the Famous

  1. damn this IS really good... Merge is usually pretty spot on


    now i'm bummed i didn't check them out in Austin last week :/


    they're coming to town in a week with Say Hi but i'm already going to Heartless Bastards & Gaslight Anthem that night.


    the album is actually all done by one dude and he is touring w/ an actual band. i love it, eclectic power pop...the whole thing is solid, but i will agree that 'lightning' track is my least favorite of the bunch.

  2. jnick/m.chris...both solid points and i wouldn't disagree. to be clear, i like the comedy and legitimate political commentary it brings into my house every night. i will say that he/they need to keep that balance and/or ethos in check...it'd be really easy for both he and his show to become (or at least come close to becoming) what they're making fun of.


    As far as I am concerned, anyone can call those who identify themselves as journalists on the carpet at any time. Stewart walks a fine line, to be sure, but he's got a right to say his thing and as long as the information upon which he bases his commentary is accurate, I don't have a problem with it.


    put much better than i've been trying to put it.

  3. But why would he want to? It is ambiguity (the court jester's outfit, the Joker's make up) that allows satirists to get away with saying the things they do.


    but the show, sometimes, is hardly ambiguous. i get what you are saying and, again, i'd never ask him/the show to change up what they are doing. that said, it's at least disingenous for him to say what he's doing on there is 'just comedy'. if it was, the show would be no different than hbo's 'not neccesarily the news' and the DS goes way beyond sniglets in it's influence.


    plus, would you say that stewart was just lampooning and/or making fun of cramer or really taking him to task? again, where does the line blur between comedy and punditry no different than a hannity/olberman? whatever, i just think it's crazy when he makes statements like the one pedro alluded to earlier about 'going back to making fart jokes'...the show runs much deeper than that and he knows it.

  4. Don't expect John Stewart to become 'accountable'. That's not his job.


    ...but if you purposely veer slightly from 'comedy' into legitimate political/finanical commentary, which the show does often (and brillaintly) and, as ludicrous as it may be, your show has become a legitimate source of some news for a particular demographic, why not?

  5. I think it's a bit bullshit that he gets to pass off everything he does as Comedy and is devoid from criticism because of that.


    as much as I freaking love him and the daily show...you have a solid point. it actually makes me mad sometimes when they do a legitimately solid piece of news/commentary and then two seonds late 'aww shucks, we're JUST a comedy show'. they aren't JUST a comedy show, they don't try to be JUST a comedy show...but won't fess up to either. most likely, to do so would leave them open for the same accountability they pick people apart for lacking.


    as far as that quote from that other guy, he's still kind of missing the point...they never said Jim Cramer and CNBC are the reason for the rescession, but that they are part of the problem. throw in that picking on the absurdity of what passes for news on supposedly legitimate news networks is a pretty regular bit and, to be fair, the amount of young people going to the DS for their news versus people going to CNBC for legitimate finanical news is kind of apples to watermelons.

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