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Everything posted by j4lackey

  1. Was it the Camelot East in Lexington? Wouldn't surprise me...
  2. Good night, all you funny people! Attention: Not Work Safe!!!
  3. Well-played! (However, probably not as far from the truth as we would like).
  4. And I suppose this is Strip Canasta?
  5. Would I be working from the original photograph?
  6. "In all things, moderation". Whether it's religion, french fries, or sex. mmmmmmm........... french fries and sex...........
  7. Kali. 11 years old. She's a sweetie. Had knee surgery a coupla years ago, been doing fine, then yesterday, after a mile walk, started limping around holding up that leg. And Alisa B, I think my late cat Sadie and your Kiyou were seperated at birth:
  8. Hi Chris! I took a picture of a preying mantis in my garden last week to show you here, but it was too blurry, so I didn't bother. I was glad to see you had your own.
  9. Thats hilarious! I wanna see the man one of these days.
  10. A friend of mine used to have a bassett named Otis, too! (It was, however, a female).
  11. It probably comes across better than "We Hate Pets". How you doing, Jen?
  12. Will I have to go to hell for painting this?
  13. I would totally do that!* *(but it'd have to be for money ).
  14. Would you mind apologizing to her on behalf of all the rude fucking people who came to his sold-out show at The Dame here in Lexington last year and talked loudly throughout his entire set? Thanks, Nat, I appreciate it. That's pretty cool! In other news, I just edged the front yard, mowed it, dug up some 15-foot tall poke plants and other kinds of trees that were growing up through our pine trees, and walked the dog, all just before it rained!!!
  15. If he comes to Kentucky we'll feed him a good dinner. Same goes for Nels and Glenn. Mikael and John, too. Okay, Pat, too, I guess.....
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