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Posts posted by bobbob1313

  1. So he was around 30 when the band got wicked famous? That seems about right.


    Hmm. I guess. It just sounded odd that he's only 43.


    They first hit it big in like 94, though right? That's most of my life as a sentient being. Fuck.

  2. Kim got messed up with the bullpen-by-committe fiasco. Regardless, he was pretty inefficiant as a starter for BOS (though did decent as a closer), even though I believe he started that 25 to-(single digit) rout of FLA towards the end of his first season with BOS.


    In 03?


    Christ, that was awful. I think we were down at one point like 24-6 and we brought in a mop up reliever and on like the 2nd batter he faced, he got hit with a come backer and had to be taken off on a stretcher...

  3. He was awesome for the Marlins a few years back. He didn't pitch particularly well, but he was a lot of fun to watch with all of his tics and stuff.


    At one point the umpire called a balk on him for doing the same thing he does everytime he pitched. On his next pitch he does the exact same thing, but much more exaggerated. It was pretty funny.


    Say what you want about the guy, but he's got personality.





    With Japanese announcers, no less!

  4. How can rings not play into the discussion? You play the game to win. Dan Marino never won.


    He's still certainly one of the top few QBs to ever play the game.


    Because 50+ other guys play a part in winning a Super Bowl.


    It's reasonable in basketball to make the rings argument for individual players, but too much is out of a quarterback's hands for me to judge someone's career on them. Is it a nice bonus if you do win a ring? Sure, I don't mind giving a little extra credit, especially if you had a big hand in winning those rings.


    Dan Marino played on a lot of mediocre Miami Dolphins football teams. Don Shula was getting by on reputation and Marino's arm for pretty much all of the 90's.


    Yes, the quarterback has more impact on a game than any other single position, but he still doesn't play half the game. If his defense can't stop anybody, it doesn't matter how good he is. So yeah, a little extra credit for winning, but ultimately, if Peyton had never won one, he would still be the best QB I've ever seen. Greatness isn't diluted by not winning. It's only increased by winning.

  5. Best Quarterback of All Time. Is there really a good rebuttal to this?




    Same uniform -1.




    Four time MVP, 5-time First Team All Pro, 10 Pro Bowls, Single Season record for QB Rating, 5th all time in QB Rating, 4th all time in passing yards, 3rd in passing TDs.


    I will also say that relative to the players on his team, no QB did more with less than:



    You want to knock him because he didn't win a Super Bowl? Fine. All I know is if I'm building a quarterback, I'm basing it on Dan Marino or Peyton Manning. Nobody has ever had a more perfect skill set for the position than those two.



    Also, has anyone's career ever benefitted more from something that has absolutely nothing to do with his abilities as a player than Archie Manning. No one's legacy has been helped by talented children more than him.

  6. ...but only when applied to Tony Romo?


    Do you even read the posts you are replying to?


    Are you bored?


    Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you? Get off the Romo thing, for christ's sake. You obviously didn't read what I said the first time around, want me to link you to the original argument so you can figure out what I said, since you've referenced it twice and brought up a bunch of shit I never said.




    Go ahead and read it.

  7. Jeez...I wish they had planned a little further south.


    Can't say I blame them after last show in Miami at the Fillmore....only 1/3 full place.


    St. Augustine is a long drive of SF...we will see....already driving up to Clearwater for Wilco in March


    I did the drive to St. Augustine for the Decemberists last year, might be willing to do this one too since it's during my summer.

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