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Posts posted by bobbob1313

  1. Cabrera, being something of a plodder, had no business ranging that far to his right to make the play. I get that he really want to make the play, but he made it closer than it should have been, all things considered.


    Yeah, he ultimately made the play and the ump blew the call, but if the runner gets up the line 1/10 of a second faster, there's no call for the ump to blow, and Cabrera would've been the goat.


    Baseball's a funny game.

  2. So I kept hearing people say "You have to call him out there, no matter what" last night.


    Do we agree with this?


    I mean, what if he had actually been safe by the tiniest margins and he called him out. Nobody's is incensed, because the Umpire did the "right thing", even if that would have meant he had blown a call just as badly, context notwithstanding, right?


    Joyce absolutely botched the call last night. But I have a problem with people saying that if it's close, call him out there. Aren't we fucking with the integrity of the perfect game by saying that? Doesn't that cheapen it?

  3. "I went to your schools, I did my detention

    But the walls are so gray, I couldn’t pay attention

    I heard your gospel- it moved me to tears,

    But I couldn’t find the hate, and I couldn’t find the fear

    I met your Savior, I knelt at his feet,

    And he took my ten bucks, and he went down the street

    I tried to believe all the things that you said,

    But my friends that aren’t dying are already dead."


    I'm about to go through a big Hold Steady kick.


    Can't believe I missed them doing a free show in Miami. How did I not hear about that?

  4. Ozzie Guillen basically copped to having one of his pitchers hit a Marlin today. Fine forthcoming?


    Apparently Brett Carroll missed a sign and thought he was supposed to be running with a 7-0 lead. He actually thought it was a hit and run, as he went to jog back to the base after he slid before realizing it wasn't fouled off.


    I guess we broke an unwritten rule.

  5. very convenient for bobbob to post in here when his Marlins sweep my Mets and yet be silent when his star player gets benched for being a general tool and then runs his mouth like an ass. Bobbob, I demand a post from you on this! :)


    hanley was being an ass. Absolutely, no question. I was on Team Fredi for this one.


    I've known for a while that Hanley is proof that your best player isn't necessarily the face of your franchise. The guy is barely likeable, but he's also a top 5 talent in the game so it's ok.


    He's always been a guy who has been prone to taking plays off. I yelled at him last Thursday when we beat the mets ( :) ) because he very rarely busts down the line on grounder. It's frustrating as all hell.


    Absolutely in the wrong here, Fredi Gonzalez handled this perfectly. I think it's becomig more and more clear that Dan Uggla and Josh Johnson are the "faces" of this franchise.


    All that being said, Hanley's not going anywhere. That's way to good of a contract for him to go anywhere. Our owner talks all of the time about him being the first Marlin Hall of Famer.

  6. really old? I think the ageless wonder Jamie ("Walken") Moyer might skew the average......what ARE the averages anyway? anyone know the average team age/ rank???


    Looking at their starting lineup:


    C Carlos Ruiz 31

    1B Ryan Howard 30

    2B Chase Utley 31

    SS Jimmy Rollins 31

    3B Placido Polanco 34 (And under contract for 3 years. Yikes.)

    LF Raul Ibanez 38

    CF Shane Victorino 29

    RF Jayson Werth 31


    That's really old as far as a long term offensive core goes. That being said, they've got a lot of money coming off the books soon, and as an organizational strategy, waiting to call guys up until they are like 25 and ready to kill people at the big league level (like they did with guys like Utley, Howard, and to a lesser extent Werth and Victorino) is pretty smart.

  7. XM now reports it's Reds RHP Edison Volquez. He has been slapped for a 50 game suspension. Is he even back from his TJ surgery yet?


    He will, apparently, serve the suspension while on the DL.


    So he loses about 120k, but doesn't miss any games.

  8. 4 absolutely gem pitching performances in this weekend's FLA-PHI series.


    Roy Halladay 8 IP 2 ER on Friday in a W.

    Ricky Nolasco CG 1 ER in a W saturday.

    Cole Hamels 8 IP 2 ER, 9 K in a loss on Sunday.

    Marlins pitching staff combines for SHO on Sunday.


    That was an awesome series if you like pitching.

  9. I think KG has taken it to a different level. Intensity and passion are fine, but he comes across as just a gigantic turd more often than not.



    That's one of the more embarrassing sequences in recent NBA history. Not shown in that clip was KG getting down on all fours and barking at Calderon, which also happened.

  10. speaking of marlins, i need Josh Johnson to have to big day today vs the Reds. Go Fish!


    That work for you?


    It was nice to get a comfortable win.


    our 4 wins prior to tonight were by a combined margin of 5.

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