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Posts posted by bobbob1313

  1. Also, winning is fun, and the New York Knicks do not win, and probably wouldn't win even if they got him because A'mare is massively overrated as a big man and they don't have a ton around him.



    Granted, if he really wanted to win, Chicago's as good a bet as Miami if he goes there. But then there's the whole "More money in miami because of taxes" and all of the other off the court stuff Miami has to entice.

  2. Everyone followed the rules, there was nothing wrong with how that played out. The guy made a smart, albeit morally questionable decision that saved his team in desperation. What he did had penalties, and he dealt with them accordingly. They shouldn't have changed that to a goal.

  3. Maybe Pelfrey should worry about not loading the bases with no outs and then giving up a single, double, and triple to a team's 7-9 hitters instead of worrying about Scott Rolen doing what 99% of major leaguers would do in that situation.


    Also might help if he would strike a batter out every now and then. 9 Ks in his last 28 innings has a lot more to do with his recent struggles than Scott Rolen.

  4. Love him or hate him, there was a pretty interesting article about Mariano Rivera in Sunday's NYT Magazine. The on-line version includes a really cool infographic detailing his cut fastball.

    Great piece, and lot's of really cool stuff to go along with it.


    The closer's role may be overrated in my eyes, but Mo's dominance in the playoff's and ability (and willingness) to go more than one inning when he needs to sets him apart.

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