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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Actually the more I think about it, the more I'm pretty sure the Beatles got their asses kicked in that round. They still won by a 7-1 decision though.
  2. Maybe. Still, early Beatles albums > Dylan albums from same time period, and late Beatles albums > Dylan from same time period. I think Highway 61 and Help/Rubber Soul are the only times they released albums in the same year and Dylan beat them.
  3. "Don't Pass Me By" is better than anything anyone has ever done ever.
  4. That's just, like, your (my) opinion, man.
  5. Because I disagree with them, mostly. You like the Band. Hooray. Also, Paul McCartney had an amazing voice. John Lennon's voice was the definition of "raw and organic". George developed into a hell of a singer before he was done, and Ringo did "Don't Pass Me By". As for the harmonies, "This Boy" blah blah blah, whatever.
  6. I thought I knew stuff about music until I read this thread. Can somebody tab this all out?
  7. False things in bold. Arguable things in italics. Unimportant things underlined. The one thing that isn't any of those things is the master musician, but they did have George Martin, who was damn close to that, and Paul McCartney wasn't shabby. In fact, he was probably the most innovative bass player of all time. And again, you forgot the whole "They wrote better songs than them".
  8. The drum fill after the 2nd verse is probably my single favorite moment in all of music.
  9. This isn't worth getting into, because you have no intention of doing anything but slag on the Beatles, but from where I'm standing, there are about 5 things that are flat out falsehoods in that one paragraph. And the Beatles wrote better songs, so hey cool.
  10. And if I had to give you my desert island Beatles songs, I would feel really bad if I forgot "Within You Without You", even though I inevitably would.
  11. So it lasted 6 pages before someone said something ridiculous. Thats gotta be some kind of record for this board.
  12. It is the best song to feature a kazoo, I believe.
  13. You are crazy, Larry. Thats a good one though.
  14. 5 pages and nary a mention of "I've Got A Feeling"? For shame, Viachicago.
  15. I do not have "I'm Down" on my computer. This is a problem.
  16. "You Know My Name (Look Up The Number)"
  17. "I've Just Seen A Face" is pretty great song.
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