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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I watched the pilot of BBT, and it wasn't awful, but I've not really made an attempt to go back to it. If I didn't have class on monday nights I would probably watch it with HIMYM, but since I have to watch them on the computer, and since I don't have sound on my computer, I have to use my roommate's pc. It's a big mess, so I prefer not having to use it for too long.
  2. I'm not sure if that's fair. I mean, it's a sitcom. 99% of sitcoms are silly in that way. I happen to think HIMYM does it better than pretty much any other standard sitcom. And regardless of anything else, Barney will always keep me coming back for me. NPH is hysterical in that role. I can see him eventually being a caricature if they aren't careful, but he's still great.
  3. That is a great song. I've praised it numerous times right here on this very board, if my memory serves me. Paul's bass playing on that song is insane.
  4. The curse, or something? Or because they have a pretty good team that is maybe one great player (pitcher or position) away from making a serious run at it?
  5. The Cubs could pay him. The Angels might be players. Can't count out Boston. Each of those teams has just as good a chance of winning in the next 5 years as the Yankees.
  6. For the record, I watched it last night. That was one of the best episodes thus far. Season 3 is shaping up to be a good one. I can't believe they almost cancelled this show.
  7. I don't think they're going to resign him, but thats just me. Here's my reasoning: The Rangers were paying them approximately 7 million a year for the right to take him off of their hands. This was a monumentally stupid move for the Rangers. And it was arguably the best deal the Yankees have done in a very long time. They were paying 17 million a year, with Texas taking care of the rest. They were paying him what he was worth, in other words. Now, if I'm not mistaken, and he opts out of his contract, this will make Texas not responsible for the rest of the money they owe him, as well as the
  8. It's got a lyric about smoking pot, and alls these peoples are stoners.
  9. This is one of my favorite shows on tv, but I can't watch it when it's on anymore because I have class during that time. But I can't wait to see this episode. PS, it's a truly great show, and NPH is absolutely hysterical as Barney.
  10. Arod's going to get run out of town and unless the Yankees seriously find some pitching (like, Hughes is a stud next year and they find another top of the line starter) they aren't making the playoffs. They don't make the playoffs this year without him either.
  11. There's no wrong answer, but there is a right answer.
  12. Substitute Marlins for Rockies and this is what I felt like in 03. You aren't being even a bit annoying. I think I'm probably the most annoying person in this thread, if it gets down to that.
  13. What an asshole. He's got 150 pounds on Green, and I can garauntee Green wasn't trying to injure him. Green was trying to make a play to help his team win. Fuck Travis Johnson.
  14. I think it's mostly just a lack of spelling ability.
  15. Jeez, Trent Green is down and he's not moving... Doesn't look good at all. And the Texans player who taunted him when he was on the ground should be ashamed of himself. http://video.tinypic.com/player.php?v=rt2c2h&s=2
  16. I really like the Marlins uniforms and logos, actually. And the D-Rays are supposed to update their unis.
  17. The Phillies and Rockies have very similar pitching staffs, except that Cole Hamels is better than anyone the Rox have. The Cubs and D'Backs both had top line starters, and I think the Cubs had more depth in the rotation after that. It just didn't work out the way I thought. Like I said, it's basically a coinflip.
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