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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. And, by the way, I mean, whatever, fine global warming exists and it's the most dangerous threat ever to the world and all that. Al Gore still won a Nobel Peace Prize for talking over someone elses powerpoint presentation. Thats kind of crazy.
  2. lolz, i am teh chrizchan so dat totali works. And you must have the world's largest paint brush with how wide your strokes are man. Have you met any real religious people? The vast majority of them aren't crazies. They just have their religion as one piece of a very large puzzle that is their life. My best friend is extremely religious (like, he's the head of the young episcopalian movement) and he's never once looked down on me for being an atheist. But stereotypes are fun.
  3. Extra, extra, read all about it. A small minority of religious people now and the actions of some religious poeple 1500 years ago has a direct relationship to what most religious people believe now!!!I mean, I don't believe in a sky god (I believe that there's probably something there, but that it doesn't really make a difference in our mortal lives, for full disclosure), but man with how big of an asshole you are, I'm thinking about devoting my life to the church just to spite you. Huh?
  4. Thats great. Great review too, if a bit too long.
  5. Thats the one I have on my iPod, anyways.
  6. This doesn't make any sense. At all. It's almost funny.
  7. It wasn't supposed to clear things up.
  8. There's a place down here called Villa Rose that makes the greatest thin crust pizza you will ever have. My dad and I used to eat it like ocne a week.
  9. I was referring to both everyone and no one.
  10. We can move an iceberg to the lake. Then when it melts, it'll go to a place that needs it! You are welcome, Al Gore.
  11. People who aren't fans of their team as much as they fellate their team can annoy some people, in some situations.
  12. I dunno, maybe I remembered it wrong, but I though it was in the book Yesterday, or maybe it was in Anthology? I just remember it being something like the other guys had been doing LSD and Paul never did, and so he wrote the song about his first trip, or something. I'm probably wrong, now that everyone is saying I am. Edit: According to wikipedia, Lennon said it was about LSD in Anthology, but Paul has revealed it was about pot.
  13. That was my point, with the Pascal thing. Is it worth the amount of money and time (and potential economic problems that would surely arise) for something that may not happen? It's going to have to be a cost, benefit analysis. I'm not sure where I stand on that, though I am for many of the changes that global warming proponents are, though for economic reasons (as well as the fact that the air quality is lowered, which is another point that people ignore.) Frankly, I think there are any number or threats to humanity that are more worrisome. I do think we need to stop using SUVs so much, and
  14. Ok, whatever. It's not worth getting into any sort of debate with you, as I keep on forgetting how condescending you always are. You are right, the sky is falling, there is no doubt in any scientist's mind that global warming is caused by humans, and computer models of weather patterns are accurate to a high degree.
  15. The burden of proof here is on your. I'm not going to do a google search for it when you are the one making the claims. Honestly, I personally do think GW is probably happening, but I'm not sure that we are causing it. It really seems more like a natural cycle that will eventually reverse itself. Of course, this is sort of a Pascal's wager debate, in that if we don't bet on human's causing global warming, the possible effects are worse, but I'm still not sure it's worth all of the arguments it causes. Do we need to get off of unrenewable resource? Yes, mostly because of the economic effects.
  16. I don't think OSU would beat USF. USF's defense is sick, and Matt Grothe's a hell of an athlete.
  17. Sell high on Homer Bailey now, guys. He's about to have his career ruined!
  18. How has "the earth going through natural cycles like it has for the last 4 billion years" been debunked?
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