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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Seems awfully dubious to me. I'd say there are 9 picks I don't agree with at all, and a couple of more I'd argue.
  2. I felt scared including Bradshaw in my list of QB's who aren't all that good but won rings. I thought I would catch flack for that one.
  3. I've always thought he was slightly overrated, inasmuch as he benefitted alot from having the greatest reciever of all time to throw to. He was great, but my bias as a Dolphins fan will not allow me to say anyone but Marino as the greatest.
  4. Ok, now I am saying that. Actually, I'll say this: Tom Brady is the Jim Kelly to Manning's Marino, the only difference between Manning and Marino is that Manning had a running game on his team and the only difference between Kelly and Brady is that Brady's kicker made the kicks to win the super bowl, and Kelly's didn't. If the tuck rule doesn't go his way, or if Viniateri misses those 3 game winning field goals in the SBs, Brady is just another great qb.
  5. Damn, thats a real leap of faith there.
  6. Super Bowl rings = only measure of a quarterback's greatness. "Best quartbacks of all time because they won superbowls (TD-INT ratio for career): Terry Bradshaw (212-210, natural leader) Trent Dilfer (109-122, just knew how to win) Brad Johnson (154-117, awesomeness personified) Jim McMahon (100-90, shuffled his way to the record books) Mark Rypien (115-88, clutch) Doug Williams (100-93, saved a baby from a fire) Shittiest quarterbacks of all time who never did anything except shit all over the football field and lose and lose and lose (TD-INT) Dan Marino (420-252, drops babies on their
  7. It was basically predictable that he wouldn't go on to do much in the NFL. He was playing with an extremely talented offense that spread the ball around. He was like, what 25 when he won it?
  8. Yes, but there is a "for the good of baseball" clause that would allow Selig to bend the rules if the team was able to show that it was a special enough situation. An ARod signing might be enough to raise attendance to acceptable levels and might convince the city of Miami that the Marlins are serious about building a stadium. It's extremely unlikely, but there's a lot of buzz about it down here.
  9. So, it looks like Miguel Cabrera and Dontrelle Willis will both be shopped this offseason. If they can get something like 3 or 4 prospects from the Dodgers for Miguel (I have a wishlist, and the Dodgers are at the top of it) and then get the catcher Clement from Seattle for Willis I would like it. I would like it even more if along with the CF (Kemp from LA, preferably), 2 SP (Billingsley, Kershaw), 3B (LaRoche), and C (Clement) that we could get for dealing those 2, we used the money and got creative with things and offered Arod 20 Million a year and some ownership stake in the team. That
  10. This is because instead of giving it to the best player, they generally give it to the quarterback of the best team in the country. McFadden is a legit player, he's no Jason White.
  11. Yeah, but still it would be nice if the Heisman went to someone who deserved it. (In McFadden related discussion, I'm not sure if I want the Dolphins to have the #1 pick in the draft, since if they do and they pass him up, I'll feel like it's a huge mistake, but I'm not sure he's their biggest need. It was a tough decision even before we found out Ronnie Brown has an ACL tear, andnow that we do know, it makes it even tougher. Either way, I think he's going to be one of the 5 best backs in the NFL before his 3rd year in the league is over. He's gonna really good)
  12. McFadden is easily the best player in college right now, but he probably won't win the Heisman because his team isn't very good. That is dumb.
  13. Does he ever. From what I've read, he'll be one of the best PG in the league by next year.
  14. I need to figure out how much new music I heard this year. I think it's gotta be close to 50. This was definitely the biggest year for me for music.
  15. Because I am an egomaniac and I thought it was funny, and never got a response:
  16. Ok, I should have maybe worded that better. He's having his first truly history season at the age of 30, wheras Marino was in his 2nd year when he had arguably the greatest season for any quarterback ever, and Manning has been putting up 4,000 yards and 30 td's a year as a regular occurance since he was 24.
  17. 1. Radiohead- In Rainbows 2. Arcade Fire- Neon Bible 3. White Stripes- Icky Thump 4. Dr. Dog- We All Belong 5. Wilco- Sky Blue Sky
  18. It doesn't matter what he'd rather want when you are discussing who is the best. Thats not the point, the point is who is the best. Best quartbacks of all time because they won superbowls (TD-INT ratio for career): Terry Bradshaw (212-210, natural leader) Trent Dilfer (109-122, just knew how to win) Brad Johnson (154-117, awesomeness personified) Jim McMahon (100-90, shuffled his way to the record books) Mark Rypien (115-88, clutch) Doug Williams (100-93, saved a baby from a fire) Shittiest quarterbacks of all time who never did anything except shit all over the football field and lose a
  19. I didn't realize Brady was such a unique talent. Does he throw the ball with his foot? Does he have a secret jet pack that he uses to escape zone blitzing schemes? He's a football player, it's pretty damn easy to compare him to people who came before him, in as much as he's playing a game that hasn't changed an awful lot since the late 80's.
  20. It's not entirely out of the question, but I'd bet against him being in the top 5 of any of the counting stats. He's got maybe 5 more elite years left, and then he'll see major production slides or injuries like most not Brett Favre quarterbacks. He won't continue at anything like the pace he's on this season, so yeah he'll probably get to the top 5 in td's, but he's not close enough to realistically make it to any of the others. I'd probably feel comfortable eventually putting him in the top 10 of all time if he keeps it up, but I can't see anything short of continuing this unheard of pace he
  21. He's also 30 and only in his 7th year. He won't get anywhere near the records. He is this era's Montana, and Manning is Marino. Marino was the better QB, Montana had a better team.
  22. He's great. Maybe a top 10 of all time before he's done. He's got a ways to go before he reaches Manning and Favre, just to name two contemporaries. And the Patriots definitely had great players. He somehow made their defense nasty? He was the reason Corey Dillon had always been a good player? Belichek is a great coach. He had some decent recievers before last season, in Branch, Patten, Brown, Givens, Fauria, Graham. Sure, last year they had nobody, but it's not like it's been Brady and the Scrubs.
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