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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Wow, Towers is 7244. Didn't think we'd be that far down.
  2. I'm assuming you checked "naughty", then?
  3. I think my secret santa recipient last year can attest to the fact that while I may not be punctual with my gift, I will "bring it" when the time comes.
  4. "7/16 of an inch: That's the distance you'd have to move your pinky in order to not sound like an idiot. I know the burden of pressing shift to capitalize is a great one, but c'mon, you can do better than that." My favorite.
  5. I'm also quite thankful that I got to make so many new friends this year, both off the board and from the board. Some of the people I've met this year are among my favorite people in the world, and that includes those of you on this board.
  6. I'm not in the top 1,000. I've never met another, though I know there is one in MLB.
  7. Thats my biggest problem with it, even more than the government having the capacity to pull it off. The motive simply isn't there for me to believe it.
  8. I'm thankful that my family has had a relatively good year, and that I'll be able to see everyone in 3 days.
  9. Do people really believe Bush wanted to invade Iraq that much? My respect for Bill Maher grew so much after watching this.
  10. little kid screaming something that kind of looks like "That's Racist"
  11. I'm guessing he gets booed something awful when he underperforms that contract in the coming years. Also, if you want to talk about guys who I would bet on being steroid or HGH users, he'd be near the top of the list. As much as I hate it. Arod wins AL MVP. Shocker of the year. Darin Erstad got robbed.
  12. When the Boston Revolution lost the MLS championship game, I danced naked through the streets of Miami. All the way down Calle Ocho, and into the heart of Little Havana.
  13. And Sir S, that's me all over. You forgot to mention that Ted Williams was a drunk and David Ortiz cuts people off in traffic and doesn't signal when switching lanes.
  14. I just can't see how him being in trouble for something that has nothing to do with whether or not he used steroids and has nothing to do with MLB can be seen as a deterent for future players, unless they themselves are working under the assumption that they will be brought before a grand jury and then will lie to said grand jury and then fail a steroid test and then be tried with perjury. If I'm a player and I was going to take steroids, this doesn't make me think twice. If this is the only way you can get in trouble, then I'm taking my chances.
  15. The Bills are also pretty crappy. And Randy Moss is incredible. He's the best player on that team, imo. For the record, I'm not saying he's more important than Brady, or anything. Simply that I think he has more talent than anyone on the team.
  16. Huh? Is it a penalty for steroid use? As far as I know, the court trial has nothing to do with either MLB or the fact that he used steroids. They offered him immunity if he had said he used steroids. The trouble is coming from lying to a grand jury.
  17. That still isn't a penalty for steroid use.
  18. I will give you that Brady's playing better than anyone I've ever seen this year. Kurt Warner looked like one of the 5 best QB's of all time in 1999 (is that the right year? I'm too lazy).
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