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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. This UCF-Tulsa game is fun to watch, I've got a lot of friends there.
  2. This may be the worst trade of the offseason, barring the Marlins or Twins trading Cabrera or Santana for Melky and a tube of toothpaste. I'm almost positive they could've called the Marlins today and offered Willis for him and one other prospect and they might've been able to do so. They also both suck.
  3. Few albums in the last decade mean as much to me as that one.
  4. The Bulls look pretty terrible. My team is 4-11.
  5. You need to read "A Short History Of Nearly Everything" by Bill Bryson if you think most scientific discoveries are met with acceptance and enthusiasm. [/jnickerson]
  6. 1. I was born in Little Havana, Florida. 2. I was once on a plane with the Rock, of WWF fame. 3. I have Count Choculitis.
  7. In the interest of full disclosure, I'm mostly and atheist, though I respect people who have strong faith as long as they are open minded about it. Basically, I can respect any belief if you aren't a dick about it. I know a guy who is a wiccan, but he's a total dick, so I can't stand him.
  8. The drop in his walk rate is alarming for Young, but he's still gonna be a stud.
  9. I agree it is probably hypocritical, but I also think it's probably different.
  10. Then we must all be misinterpreting your posts. You seem to have no doubt on the existence of god, viability of science, existence of evolution, etc. That sounds to me like a black and white world view.
  11. Well, my grandfather was almost murdered by Che (he had to leave the country essentially, in a box, to escape being killed), so yeah, it's a touchy subject. I'm not a fan of all of the Che love. He was a pretty terrible person. And correct me if I"m wrong, but you seemed to be justifying Mao and Stalin's murder of millions of civilians because they were "refusing to adapt to a more enlightened lifestyle". Sorry if I can't bring myself to have any sort of intelligent discussion with you after that.
  12. I personally think fanaticism of any sort is unhealthy, and annoying, at best. I don't see how anyone can be so 100% about their beliefs, either for or against religion. I mistrust anyone who lives any part of their life without doubt. The world is not black and white.
  13. The millions that Mao and Stalin killed were the exception?
  14. Some fanatical muslims kill others in the name of their religion. Some fanatical atheists kill people because they are fucked up in the brain. Some normal muslims kill others because they are fucked up in the brain. I would say the fanatical muslims who kill others in the name of their religion are fucked up in the brain. It isn't religion's fault. Why are some muslims devout and not killing people? Why are some people completely ambivalent to religion and killing people? Because sometimes, people kill people. Just because a crazy person wants to use their religion as a reason they killed s
  15. Atheists kill plenty of people too. Atheists are anti-gay too. Don't give me that. It's not a product of religion, it's a product of being in our society.
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