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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. McCartney is responding to the increased price of touring, renting out large arenas, and keeping up with the rise in ticket prices all over the place. He's not hurting anyone by doing this, and if you have a problem with those prices, don't go. Tens of thousands of others will go because we live in a supply and demand world, and there is a demand for his shows.
  2. Dumb move by the Yankees. Eckstein is still out there.
  3. How is Paul McCartney one of the biggest sell outs in music?
  4. Which NBA thread are we using, then? Whoops, forget it.
  5. I think he's good, yeah. I'm excited to see his stuff.
  6. I know 3 or 4 people who know of Wilco solely because I told them it was Wilco while the VW commercial came on. 2 of them went on to buy SBS, 1 of whom also bought YHF and BT. So take that, suckers.
  7. That dude will be performing at my school tonight for free. Along with this guy.
  8. I don't see why not. I think OU and Mizzou are both overrated as is. I'm not sure Kansas is the best team, or even one of 5 best teams, but I wouldn't be at all surprised to see them in the title game.
  9. If Kansas wins out, they've gotta be in the National title game, right?
  10. Wait. What? Is this guy a parody, or an incredible simulation?
  11. The Bulls don't look like they need Kobe anyways.
  12. You'd have to throw in another player at least for that to work. Hughes, Melky, Cano would be ok, if we then moved Uggla for a pitcher. But the Yankees aren't at the top of the list of teams I'd want to work with. Then there's no way they are getting Cabrera. He's going to get the Marlins 3 or 4 top prospects, and there's absolutely no way they make a deal with the Dodgers without Kemp being involved.
  13. I'd do that in a heartbeat, but I don't think the Sox would.
  14. I'd love to see a deal with the Dodgers involving Billingsley, Kemp, LaRoche, + for him. That would make me all kinds of ok with him leaving, especially since it's abundantly clear they have no intention of signing him.
  15. So Cabrera's gone soon. I'm over it, just get whatever you can for him.
  16. De donde es senor "treehug'n'dirtworshiper"?
  17. I'm dissapointed, they were supposed to announce the lineup today, and nothing so far. All I've gotten are vague rumors of a Beasties Boys appearance. Which would rule, but not announcement = lame.
  18. It's not like the guy called a press conference about it to say this. Someone asked him, and he gave a candid response. "The Spygate thing has diminished what they've accomplished. You would hate to have that attached to your accomplishments. They've got it. Belichick was fined $500,000, the team was fined $250,00 and they lost a first-round draft choice. That tells you the seriousness or significance of what they found. I guess you got the same thing as putting an asterisk by Barry Bonds' home run record. I guess it will be noted that the Patriots were fined and a No.1 draft choice was tak
  19. Shula's got a point in asmuch as people want Bonds to have one, the Pats are just at tainted this year. Maybe more so since they were actually caught cheating and punished. I'm not saying it's the reason they are undefeated, just as I won't say roids are the reason Bonds broke the record. There is no proof one way or the other what affect they had.
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