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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I guessI just don't see the point in giving managers awards, and especially not managers with one of the 2 highest payrolls in baseball. It is somehow Torre's fault that Wang forgot how to pitch for a two game stretch in the playoffs, so he's a bad manager and meanwhile Terry Francona has arguably the greatest post season pitcher of all time on his team to carry him to a title, so he's a good manager. If any manager "deserves" an award this year, it's Manny Acta. I was joking. Come on, man. A little credit here, please.
  2. I know, I know, I hate the Red Sox and everything they do, but come on. The guy is managing with a 4 billion dollar payroll. He's got like 178 All Stars on his team. This team's success has oh so little to do with him. So is he getting credit for his team almost blowing a huge division lead and then somehow pulling his team out of it?
  3. I mean, I know it's completely and utterly meaningless, but
  4. I honestly cannot think of any actor who has done a better job with a role than George C. Scott in this film. Not only is it a great movie about maybe my favorite person in American history, but when Scott is on the screen I cannot turn away. He is brilliant.
  5. Youre team has won what, like 40 superbowls? I'm allowed to complain. Yeah. 0-12.
  6. Still, it's impressive nonetheless.
  7. In the Sox defense, Hanley's prospect star had dimmed quite a bit following some lackluster MiLB seasons.
  8. Unless I am mistaken. I believe Barry Sanders' junior year is the record. That may have changed, though. Either way, impressive. My favorite quote of the weekend comes from FIU's starting QB, following the team's first victory in over 2 years: "It is absolutely amazing. It is great for our [nine] seniors. They went through so much. What losing streak? We're on a one-game winning streak."
  9. He is 181 yards away from breaking the single season rushing mark. That is entirely withing reach vs Miss. That would be something.
  10. Except Melky sucks. The Twins could get Ellsbury and Lester. I have no doubt about that.
  11. I haven't heard anything about him coming back. I'd think he would be stupid to come back, seeing as his value will probably never be higher than following a 2,400 yard season, but I think he'll be in the Heisman conversation next year, especially if UCF wins C-USA again. The announcer during the game was saying how easy it looked for him, and I couldn't agree more. It looked like everyone else was trying as hard as they could and he was just gliding along.
  12. Until 2011, right? In other news, how about that Kevin Smith guy, from Central Florida. I mean, Conference USA has rush defenses that seem similar to, let's say, bullfighters, but still. What is it, 3rd highest total in a single season all time? Might have moved himself into the 1st or 2nd round if he wants to come out this year.
  13. Yes, but since Mizzou lost this week, I guess they dropped below Kansas, who they beat last week, so they don't get an at large bid. It's fucking stupid. I think I'm just going to boycott all 5 BCS bowl games.
  14. I think the NCAA will only recognize the BCS champ, though. It's a severely screwed up system. Mizzou is getting the shaft in the worst possible way. Every other NCAA sport can have a tournament without the players dying, and yet FBS can't? It's all money, of course.
  15. It's just hard for me to feel any sympathy for anyone when my team is 0-12, hasn't made the playoffs in a third of my life (in a league that practically forces every team to be competitive) and hasn't won a super bowl since 15 years before I was born.
  16. So, we're not actually going to have a National Champion this year, huh?
  17. You mean the team that has won 2 Super Bowls in the last 11 years?
  18. What a brilliant movie. On so many different levels.
  19. Michigan and MSU both backed out of their agreements to play Hawaii this season. Instead of travelling to Hawaii, Michigan decided to schedule Appalachian State at home. Woops.
  20. We are the panthers of FIU the golden panthers of FIU We will continue to fight with all of our might for victory for gold and blue we stand together and proudly say our golden panthers go all the way We'll always strive for victory blue-blooded through and through 'cause we're F-I-U- Go F Go I Go U Go F-I-U Panthers fight! Panthers fight! Panthers fight! Goodbye, losing streak.
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