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Posts posted by bobbob1313

  1. I am the key to the lock in your house

    That keeps your toys in the basement

    And if you get too far inside

    You'll only see my reflection

    It's always best when the light is off

    I am the pick in the ice

    Do not cry out or hit the alarm

    You know we're friends 'til we die


    And either way you turn

    I'll be there

    Open up your skull

    I'll be there

    Climbing up the walls


    It's always best when the light is off

    It's always better on the outside

    Fifteen blows to the back of your head

    Fifteen blows to your mind

    So lock the kids up safe tonight

    Shut the eyes in the cupboard

    I got the smell of a local man

    Who's got the loneliest feeling


    That either way he turns

    I'll be there

    Open up your skull

    I'll be there

    Climbing up the walls

    Climbing up the walls

    Climbing up the walls



    ^ :wub


    This is the first day of my life

    I swear I was born right in the doorway

    I went out in the rain, suddenly everything changed

    They're spreading blankets on the beach


    Yours is the first face that I saw

    I think I was blind before I met you

    Now I don

  2. He's the best pitcher ever, with the possible exception of Walter Johnson.


    Cy Young played in a completely different era that had pitchers expected to go all nine innings, and even pitch both games of a double header (he did that like 15 times in his career).

  3. But he's the greatest pitcher in MLB history.


    He's up there, but he won't look like it this year, I think.


    And as for the Jon Garland trade: I wouldn't get him or Wright, as I don't think either of them is as good as their best moments have shown. i think what you are seeing now is about what to expect: League average pitching. Garland will probably average out to about a 4.2 era for the year, so you're looking at decent pitching the rest of the way. If Dye keeps up his torrid pace, you'd really regret the trade though. I'd try to get more for Dye. Try Barry Zito.

  4. You have no idea Bobo US soccer team is the greatest choke artist out there. Before the World Cup the odds on Ghana winning the WC were 30,000 to 1 and the US team is choking against them, pathetic.


    Hey, I was half right with that statement. Italy does not want to lose.

  5. I think Italy beat's the Czech's because if not, they will most likely play Brazil, and they don't want that.

    I think the US will be Ghana, because they are simply the better team with more to lose. That generally leads to a victory.

  6. That's just Ozzie being Ozzie, right?



    On Tuesday to reporters, White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen referred to Chicago Sun-Times columnist and Around the Horn contributor Jay Mariotti as a derogatory name for a homosexual.


    Angry with a recent column by Mariotti critical of Guillen's handling of recently demoted relief pitcher Sean Tracey and upset with Mariotti with columns of the past, Guillen said to reporters when referring to Mariotti before Tuesday's game with the Cardinals, "What a piece of [expletive] he is, [expletive] fag."


    Mariotti was covering the NBA Finals Tuesday night and was not present to hear what Guillen said.


    Columnist Greg Couch of the Sun-Times wrote a column Wednesday in response, calling for commissioner Bud Selig to suspend Guillen for his use of a "hurtful homophobic" term.


    Before writing the column, Couch asked Guillen for an explanation. Guillen defended his use of the term "fag" by saying this about homosexuals and the use of the word in question: "I don't have anything against those people. In my country, you call someone something like that and it is not the same as it is in this country.''


    Guillen said that in his native Venezuela, that word is not a reference to a person's sexuality, but to his courage. He said he was saying that Mariotti is "not man enough to meet me and talk about [things before writing].''


    Guillen also told Couch that he has gay friends, attends WNBA games , went to a Madonna concert and plans to go to the Gay Games in Chicago.


    "I called that of this man [Mariotti],'' he told Couch. "I'm not trying to hurt anybody [else]."


    Scott Reifert, the White Sox's vice president of communications, offered to apologize on behalf of the organization when approached by Couch.


    "To anybody who was insulted or hurt by that comment ... as an organization, we'll certainly apologize," Reifert told Couch.





    I love the WNBA part and the "I have gay friends" thing. Reminds me of Stephen Colbert and Allen, his black friend.

  7. Considering how low the expectations were set for the Marlins this year, I'd imagine the fans would really revel in a .500 season. Do you think Dontrelle is going to be moved, though?


    In a word, no.


    This team has a semi-realistic, mostly fantasy shot at making the playoffs (6.5 game out with 96 to play) so they won't trade Dontrelle unless it's an absolute can't miss deal (think an MLB ready CF, an MLB ready catcher, and a top level Pitching prospect). Basically, if he's not in a Marlin uniform by season's end he's in a Diamondback or Dodger uniform because those are absolutely the only teams with the prospects to get it done.



    Also, I think I called for 73 wins in the last baseball thread, and I'm going to stick with that as the very bottom of our win total.


    Unfortunately, the streak ends tonight, because they are facing a strikeout pitcher, and we strikeout alot. Cabrera strikes out at least 10.

  8. my uncle got Emily a PSP and she got that MLB 06 The Show for it.....it is superfantabulousticallyawesome........ :yes


    I am totally not a video game person, but this one is addicting.


    That game rules. Of the four games I have for PSP, it's my most played. I'm in the 11th year of a career.


    There is a buzz around town about the Marlins (it's way, way, way below the buzz about the Heat, of course, but it's there). This is an exciting team that could be a .500 team this year.

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