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Everything posted by LaBoheme

  1. Get Up, Stand Up - Peter Tosh Gatineau Quebec 1981
  2. While not on the scale of a US presidency candidate, the former mayor of Toronto was a populist bully who appealed to a small but vocal segment of the electorate - so much so that Rob Ford was elected as the mayor of one of the largest cities in NA. You know the rest - crack addict/gang member confidant and more. Folks do listen to the message - a train wreck that you cannot turn away from, amusing at a distance but devastating for the people of Toronto and, hopefully not, eventually the people of the United States.
  3. Festival set - 21 songs or so. Brilliant sun to start the set after downpour darkness and wind in the afternoon. Highlights - Random Name Generator and Handshake Drugs. Coulda' went longer but again, a festival set, Very little banter - except a bit about the Legendary Horseshoe Tavern - saw them in 1997 touring Being There.
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