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Posts posted by anodyne

  1. jani lane from warrant asked me to jump his mom's beat up old minivan after the DLR/Sammy Hagar show. it was before he was on celebrity fit club and he was wearing a leather vest and no shirt. i don't know which looked worse - the beat up van or the beat up hair metal guy.



    i've only been starstruck a few times. the first time i met bill stevenson, i was pretty nervous. i was a little nervous when i met jeremy bulloch (boba fett). i've gotten to hang out with loads of my favorite music people and loads of horror movie celebrities, but no one too terribly impressive (especially when someone already trumped all stories by stretching next to maude lebowski).

  2. Sun's coming up and I can't decide To spill my emotions or keep them inside Go for a drive, go to the store I'm looking for something that can't be bought there I always wear a smile Because anything but a smile would make me have to explain And they wouldn't understand anyway I conceal my feelings so I won't have to explain What I can't explain anyway I can't decide I can't decide I can't decide anything I can't decide I can't decide I can't decide anything Every time I open my mouth I always wish I had kept it shut I gotta spill my guts - but I don't dare I take a look around, I know that no one else cares Sun's coming up and I can't decide To spill my emotions or keep them inside Go for a drive, go to the store I'm looking for something that can't be bought there I always wear a smile Because anything but a smile would make me have to explain And they wouldn't understand anyway I conceal my feelings so I won't have to explain What I can't explain anyway I can't decide I can't decide I can't decide anything.

  3. right now they're concerned most with "electability", not issues. they don't stand anywhere yet, except "against the president" and "in favor of the soldiers but not the war (anymore, where appropriate)". john edwards is standing in two americas. clinton and obama are standing on the threshold of being the "first" in history. kucinich is standing near a windmill with a lance in his hand (but i'm voting for him). mike gravel is his sancho panza.


    and the republican debates have shown that they all oppose terrorism, abortion and "liberal political correctness". rudy said he's against government being involved with abortion, but neither said choice nor pro-life.

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