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Posts posted by Hixter

  1. At the airport for a rather ridiculous beer run. I'm picking up 2 cases of Heady Topper at the brewery tomorrow morning. It looks like it'll be snowing tomorrow; I'm suffering from a sunburn so I'll probably look like a freak.

  2. Oh, Black Dots are great. Played a show with those guys a year or so ago.

    It sure is a small world. I've known Tim and Wade (drums and guitar) for ages. I try to make it to Denver for GABF and general merriment once or twice a year and we always have a fun time at shows and breweries. I don't want to leave Texas and I hate cold/snow/ice, but Denver would be at the top of the list if I had to move. The people seem very friendly there ... maybe it's the weed.

  3. Thanks for the tip, Hixter!

    Happy to help!


    I don't use it very much, but you inspired me to post the contents of my iTunes library, too. I just viewed my library by song, selected everything and then copied and pasted into Excel and uploaded it to Google Docs. It's most of my CD collection (as of a few years ago) and there are some glaring typos, some of which were caused by attempting to automatically batch rename files and tags, which didn't work so well.


    The Billboard Top 100 albums were compiled by someone else, but they're a lot of fun to play over the outdoor speakers while socializing with the neighbors. I just let everyone pick songs via my iPhone; we're obviously suckers for cheesy 70s songs. If you sort the library by the number of iTunes plays you'll discover which song we traditionally play at the beginning of every boozy neighborhood gathering.


    Here are my 31,000 songs:



  4. Scott, or one of the other guys? Small world, my band is setting up a show at that place!

    I assume it's Scott? My friends said that he's beloved in the Denver music scene. They've played shows there; they're in a band called Black Dots.

    Longmont-based Oskar Blues, one of the fastest-growing craft breweries in the country, announced today that it's rolled up industry darling Cigar City Brewing, bringing the Florida beer maker under the umbrella of Fireman Capital Partners, the private equity firm that also controls Oskar Blues, Michigan’s Perrin Brewing, and the Squatters and Wasatch breweries, both in Utah. The move may have also kept Tampa-based Cigar City away from Anheuser-Busch InBev, which was reportedly seeking to buy Cigar City as well. AB InBev has purchased seven craft breweries in recent years, including Colorado’s Breckenridge Brewery. 


    This puts “months of of acquirement rumors to rest,” Oskar Blues said in a statement. “The decision is driven by mutual irreverence, respect and desire to stay true to craft beer roots." "They are at a spot where they want to grow and need to grow," Oskar Blues spokesman Chad Melis tells Westword. "The demand is out there for their brand. It feels very similar to where we are at. If you want to grow, you need resources, but you want to do that without sacrificing your culture.

  6. You're right, how is that racist? But could you help a brother out and fill me in on how or why Trump came to the conclusion that the guy is probably ISIS related?

    From what I've read, the guy is a seasoned activist and videos of him desecrating a flag have circulated. Apparently someone made a fake ISIS video months ago that utilized footage of him and the Trump campaign took it as the real deal. Poor investigative skills, but not necessarily racist.



    Not gonna play that game. You are being wilfully ignorant.

    No, the burden is upon you. How is it racist?
  7. Suicide rates by guns, in particular, in the U.S. are a cultural phenomenon as the ease of availability directly impacts the rates.

    Sure, but all I'm really concerned about is the overall suicide rate, not the method. I've visited the UK 4 times and every trip I've had my train stop because someone had jumped in front of a speeding train. At least gun suicides don't impede traffic...

  8. What I enjoyed most was, despite their long history of disagreements, the relationship between Roger and Pete has evolved or matured to one of genuine respect and affection. Lots of cool moments. 


    Although I don't listen to The Who much anymore, there's never been a band I've loved as intensely as I loved The Who when I was in my teens and twenties (a LONG time ago).  They were an important part of my life and I'm glad I got another opportunity (likely my last) to see them live last night.  Long Live Rock!   


  9. Not for nothing, but the easy availability to procure a gun is directly related to suicide rates.

    Suicide rates are a cultural phenomenon. South Korea has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the world, yet they're atop the suicide stats.


    Japanese hang themselves, the British jump in front of trains and Americans blow their brains out. Where there's a will...

  10. I have heard it otherwise

    The FBI figures are clear.


    In fact is there any other industry so vehemently fights efforts to make their product safer?

    Gun manufacturers, the NRA and individual citizens aren't fighting efforts to make firearms safer -- they're already safe. They're fighting efforts to criminalize, confiscate and ban firearms. It's ludicrous that screwing a piece of plastic onto a standard hunting rifle can result in a felony conviction and the loss of the right to own a firearm and vote.


    Guns are perfectly safe. They're just hunks of metal, wood and plastic that are designed to do one thing: fire when the trigger is pulled. Gun manufacturers would have an obligation to improve the safety of their products if they fired without a trigger pull, if they exploded in a user's hands or if they shot bullets 90 degrees away from where they were pointed. Those things simply don't happen without negligence on the shooter's part.


    Guns are safe. If we want to reduce gun crime and suicide by gun we shouldn't point fingers at gun manufacturers, that's what law enforcement and mental health facilities are for.

  11. Heidi Kluhm has babies, Bristol Palin (a far more likely candidate for the scenario you propose) heck even Chelsea Cljnton.

    I don't know who Heidi Kluhm is and I'm just assuming that Bristol Palin is one of Sarah Palin's kids. I'd rather have a root canal than watch a reality show or read a tabloid, but I'll be damned if I haven't somehow learned who Kim Kardashian is, who she's married to and when she had a baby. If it makes anyone happier, feel free to visualize Chelsea Clinton snorting coke off Kim's kans when you read my post.

  12. Why should we have seat belt laws?  It is obvious that the mother ignored it.  No amount of seat belt legislation would have stopped this mother from not safely securing her child in the car.  

    I've never said that we don't need gun laws. I've said that we don't need additional gun laws that do little or nothing to reduce gun crime while punishing, inconveniencing or criminalizing responsible, law-abiding gun owners.


    This scenario would more closely parallel my stance on new gun legislation:


    We have seatbelt laws and they undoubtedly save lives, but some people flaunt them even though they are liable to be fined and lose their licenses. The vast majority of parents will put their child in an appropriate car seat, but some people are willing to break the law and risk their child's life.




    Cue the nonstop media barrage: How could such a thing happen? When are we going to say enough is enough? How many more children must die before we enact sensible legislation to prevent highway deaths?


    And then the politicians get revved up in a desperate attempt to appear to be "doing something." Who cares if it's unworkable, expensive or invasive...


    And then new legislation is passed, with California and New York leading the way. All drivers will be required to install a $500 camera in their cars that will verify that all passengers are wearing proper restraints. Their vehicles won't start until a remote government monitor verifies that the passengers are buckled up. Vehicle owners will pay $150 yearly to cover the costs of the program. President Obama takes to the airwaves to remind us that it's all worth it if it saves even one child's life and, by the way, if he had a son he would have looked like Kanye's. But people who don't give a damn about laws or their child's safety just ignore the whole thing and continue to drive unbuckled in vehicles with no cameras.


    P.S. While the politicians were writing the new law they made sure that limousines and government vehicles were exempt from seatbelt requirements altogether, because they're just so uncomfortable and, you know, laws are for the little people.

  13. The Night Manager - Le Carre done with a James Bond budget and more time. Excellent so far.

    I'm really enjoying it. 


    Better Call Saul is in top form and The Walking Dead seems to have picked up steam. I'm also enjoying Hulu's miniseries adaptation of Stephen King's 11.22.63 and Game of Thrones is just around the corner. Lots of good television on offer these days.

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