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Sir Stewart

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Everything posted by Sir Stewart

  1. Yeah I should've made that clear - it depends on where there the polls stand right before Election Day.
  2. If he "just got beat" many people, including myself to some extent, would simply not believe it.
  3. Hardest pole ever. EDIT: Sorry, wrong forum
  4. I don't think the potential rioting via an Obama loss would be firstly racially charged. I think it would be because the potential rioters would believe the election was rigged.
  5. Indeed - the point of the story of Santa Claus is to toughen up kids against the crushing blows that life will deliver for the rest of their days.
  6. Indeed. This time tomorrow I'll be knocking on doors in NH. Also - I feel in my gut that if Obama loses, there will be widespread rioting.
  7. I woke up my wife at the exact same moment.
  8. He probably heard some boo-birds, yeah. I don't really have a problem with players being booed by their fans when they don't deliver, no matter their past.
  9. Regarding the Smith dinner/roast: my friend and I were watching the Red Sox game and happened to switch over to CNN, which had 'Breaking News' (I think they have that title onscreen 24/7) - 'McCain, Obama to speak at Smith dinner' - and once McCain started his shtick (which was very funny), and they showed reaction shots of Obama in white tie tux, laughing, we looked at each other like we were in some alternate universe. The tone was surreal, as if the 2008 election happened 60 years ago and these two were no longer opponents. My friend is a huge political junkie, and I eat up the presidential
  10. blah blah blah the Red Sox win!!!!
  11. Tied in the bottom of the ninth -- This is the Red Sox!!!!
  12. Coco was right to try for two bags, right? To distract from home?
  13. Fenway is bumpin, this is all we can ask for. 7-4 hope is alive. EDIT!!! 7-6!!!!!!!
  14. At least the Red Sox are flailing at all levels, so we don't have one person/position to blame.
  15. I've flown through the past couple of pages, but WTF is going on with the Alfred Smith roast right now??
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