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John Smith

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Posts posted by John Smith

  1. This is a great post! I would say the first show would have been U2 and The Alarm at the Pier '83 and it was a great show. I was 13 and my sister was awesome! I saw a bunch of U2 shows from '85-87 and then kinda moved on. The first time the hair really stood up on my neck though and electrified the crap out of me was Bad Brains at the Ritz in '86. HR had that kinda effect.

    I saw the Alarm in 1983 in a small bar in ElPaso TX with maybe 50 other people. It was a fun show.
  2. Well, you're not really eligible till 25 years after your debut and not many bands are in any sort of creative peak at that point. Most band seem to have a 5 - 10 year span where they are at a peak, and after that it seems like the peaks are moments more than trends. There are exceptions but in my opinion the muse has flown for most. At some point it's the staying power of what you have done that gets you there. Cheap Trick and ZZTop are no exceptions, toss Deep Purple into that pile also.

  3. They are responding to a stupid question though - as if the issue of killing innocents can be boiled down to a soundbite. Lord knows it's death to a campaign if you come across as soft when it comes to foreign policy, so not only does a candidate have to come across as hard-as-nails, he or she also has to differentiate himself from the rest of the field, because they're all right there, ready to slit your throat over the slightest pause or misstep.

    I think the question is legitimate taken within he context of the campaign trail rhetoric.



    As far as I know Trump is the only one to say kill the families to get to the bad guys.

    Cruz: We will utterly destroy ISIS. We will carpet bomb them into oblivion. I don’t know if sand can glow in the dark, but we’re going to find out.

    I was referring to Trump explicitly saying that we should be going after their families. The others hedge by saying that bombing Isis is the way to go, and that bombing may cause collateral damage.

  5. In my department at work there are 10 men, 2 have served, 12 women, 0 served. Of the people outside of work that I regularly do things with none other than me have served, men or women.  I have a basketball group I regularly pay with maybe 15 regulars 3 have served. So in my small sample I would say the female % is 0 while the guys is closer to 10%.

  6. I'm not a huge Bono fan, but he handled the EODM situation pretty well. The U2 boys really did take a back seat to EODM, and they really didn't have to. Of the U2 boys Bono was the only one who made moves to share the spotlight. Then U2 quietly left the stage for EODM to perform a song on their own.

  7. Let me know when the American government begins executing gays and uses the Bible for justification.

    I didn't say they were or are about too, I'm just pointing out that it is on people's wish list. Also pointing out other nations where it has been made law and not necessarily using the Koran as justification. Btw what verse from the Koran is it that they use? Just curious. Religious extremists are not limited to one religion, we just choose to focus on one religion to suit political purposes.
  8. Yes, really. If you'd like to prepare an accounting of the numbers of gay people executed under Christianity and Islam over the last few decades, be my guest. 


    The United States government doesn't execute citizens for being gay, but several Islamic countries do. And guess which book they cite to justify their executions?

    Executing gays is not law in the US, but there are people who would like the christian version of Sharia law, and people vying for power suck up to them...





    and some supported this, not our country but...


    and our civilized European friends...


    Some are a little kinder and only want to imprison gays...





    That's just scratching the surface, these things are definitely on peoples wish lists. and of course, guess which book they use to justify their wishes?

  9. So after a good discussion today I have learned that the only solution to gun violence in the US is more proliferation of weapons, no other solution is possible.  I've also learned that in order to defeat ISIS or any Jihadist we just need to bomb the shit out of them and kill them all.  No other solution is possible.  I've also learned that killing them all coupled with the unfortunate collateral damage of our bombing does not cause more people to join their ranks, it is just the ideology of their religion. That pretty much sums it up.  This is f'd up. not productive at all either.

  10. That would be nice, especially since their primary victims are fellow Muslims. Blame America for all the world's problems, but it's much more an internal problem for people in in the Middle East region than it is an external one. 



    John Smith's post was what I was referring to. I was too lazy to hit the MultiQuote button.





    This is where my "so I'm the problem" quote comes from.  I guess the dots must be connected.

  11. So do not attempt to change their minds...check

    Bomb the shit out of them...check

    Keep doing what we are doing because that works...check

    Trying to see how the other side views this is blaming the US, stop doing it...check.

    Bring Hitler into the conversation to validate everything...check

    Now waiting anxiously for the inevitable Chamberlin/appeasement references...

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